BookAlexandra Minna Stern.
Summary: "With an emphasis on the American West, Eugenic Nation explores the long and unsettled history of eugenics in the United States. This expanded second edition includes shocking details that demonstrate that the story is far from over. Alexandra Minna Stern explores the unauthorized sterilization of female inmates in California state prisons and ongoing reparations for North Carolina victims of sterilization, as well as the topics of race-based intelligence tests, school segregation, the U.S. Border Patrol, tropical medicine, the environmental movement, and opposition to better breeding. Radically new and relevant, this edition draws from recently uncovered historical records to demonstrate patterns of racial bias in California's sterilization program and to recover personal experiences of reproductive injustice. Stern connects the eugenic past to the genomic present with attention to the ethical and social implications of emerging genetic technologies"--Provided by publisher.
Race betterment and tropical medicine in imperial San Francisco
Quarantine and eugenic gatekeeping on the U.S.-Mexican border
Instituting eugenics in California
"I like to keep my body whole" : reconsidering eugenic sterilization in California
California's eugenic landscapes
Centering eugenics on the family
Contesting hereditarianism : reassessing the 1960s.