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  • Book
    edited by Betty R. Ferrell, RN, PhD, MA, FAAN, FPCN, CHPN, Professor and Director, ... Show More Department of Nursing Research and Education, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, California, Nessa Coyle, ACHPN, PhD, FAAN, Consultant, Palliative Care and Clinical Ethics in Oncology, New York, New York, Judith A. Paice, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director of Cancer Pain Program, Division of Hematology-Oncology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
    SECTION VI: PEDIATRIC PALLIATIVE CARE: Symptom management in pediatric palliative care / Melody Brown-Hellsten and Stacey Berg
    Pediatric hospice and palliative care / Vanessa Battista and Gwenn LaRagione
    Pediatric care: transitioning goals of care in the emergency department, intensive care unit, and in between / Barbara Jones, Marcia Levetown and Melody Brown Hellsten
    End-of-life decision-making in pediatric oncology / Pamela S. Hinds, Linda L. Oakes, and Wayne L. Furman
    Palliative care in the neonatal intensive care unit / Cheryl Thaxton, Brigit Carter, and Chi Dang Hornik
    Grief and bereavement in pediatric palliative care / Rana Limbo and Betty Davies
    Pediatric pain: knowing the child before you / Mary Layman-Goldstein and Dane Kramer --
    Digital Access Oxford 2015