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  • Book
    edited by Jeff French.
    The case for social marketing in public health / Jeff French
    Key principal, concepts, and techniques of social marketing / Jeff French
    Social marketing planning / Jeff French
    Evaluation of social marketing programmes / Adam Crosier and Dominic McVey
    Social marketing and public health strategy / Jeff French
    Behaviour and how to influence it / Jeff French
    Generating insight and building segmentation models in social marketing / Dominic McVey and Adam Crosier
    Commissioning social marketing / Jeff French
    Social marketing on a small budget / Jeff French
    Building social programme coalitions / Jeff French
    Ethical issues in social marketing / Lynne Eagle, Stephan Dahl, and David Low
    Using digital and social media platforms for social marketing / Melissa K. Blair
    Social franchising: Strengthening health systems through private sector approaches / Julie McBride, Kim Longfield, Dana Sievers, and Dominic Montagu.
    Digital Access Oxford 2017
  • Article
    Lee AG.
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 1977 Aug 09;472(2):237-81.
    Digital Access Access Options