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  • Book
    [edited by] Hani H. Abujudeh, Michael A. Bruno.
    History and current status of quality improvement in radiology
    Key concepts in quality improvement
    Quality improvement : definition and limitations
    Quality improvement tools
    Patient safety
    Quality improvement in radiology
    Radiology-related quality programs and organizations
    Highly reliable organizations/systems in healthcare and radiology
    Future of quality assurance
    Evidence-based imaging
    Patient-centered radiology
    Professionalism and ethics
    Error in radiology
    Error management and reduction
    Accounting in radiology
    Radiology informatics
    Statistical tools and quantitative reasoning
    Imaging of pregnant and lactating women
    Safe use of contrast media
    Noninterpretive skills in ultrasound
    Noninterpretive skills in magnetic resonance imaging
    Optimizing radiation dose for computed tomography
    Interventional radiology
    Quality considerations in children
    Emergency radiology
    Malpractice and radiology : a hapless relationship
    Leadership : a manifesto for the nonclinical education of radiologists looking to succeed in difficult times
    Imaging appropriateness guidelines and clinical decision support.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2018
  • Article
    Woolford JL, Steinman HM, Webster RE.
    Biochemistry. 1977 Jun 14;16(12):2694-700.
    A complex containing the minor coat protein or adsorptionprotein (A protein) of bacteriophage fl has been solubilized from the fl virion, using the detergent deoxycholate. This complex was resolved from the fl DNA and from the fl major coat protein, or B protein, by gel filtration in the presence of deoxycholate. The A protein complex migrated as a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea-polyacrylamide gels corresponding to a molecular weight of 60 000. Analysis of the amino acid composition and amino terminal residues of this preparation indicates that the preparation contains a 20% contamination of additional protein species. Antibody against purified fd A protein is cross-reactive with deoxycholate-purified fl A protein and with fl phage. Electron microscopic observation of negatively stained complexes of fl phage with this anti-fd A protein antibody and ferritin conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody revealed phages with ferritin particles at their termini or complexes of two or more phages joined together at one end by ferritin, indicating that the complex of A protein molecules is located at one end of the filamentous fl virion.
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