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  • Book
    Elspeth Cameron Ritchie.
    A brief overview of the effect of war injuries on sexual health and intimacy / Kathryn Ellis
    Intimacy versus isolation : a psychodynamic clinical reflection on physically injured military patients / Joseph Wise
    The role of sympathetic nervous system in PTSD-related male sexual dysfunction : clinical evidence and related interventions / Eugene Lipov
    Sexual health and intimacy in the military : a contextual framework / Glenn Parkinson, Martin Chin
    Training health care providers to deal with sexual health and intimacy issues / Hani Miletski
    Psychosocial issues related to genito-urinary injury / Suzanne Waddingham
    Strategies, modifications, and adaptations for intimate relationships and sexual activity / Kathryn Ellis
    PTSD and sexual intimacy / Jennifer Greenberg
    Side-effects of medications and mitigation strategies / John Burger
    Psychological aspects of infertility post-injury / Laura Covington
    Understanding failed relationships as a factor related to suicide and suicidal behavior among military personnel / Jackie Garrick
    Intimacy after intimate partner violence / Glenna Tinney, April Gerlock
    Intimacy after sexual violence / Glenna Tinney, April Gerlock
    Toxic exposures from service in the U.S. military : effects on reproductive and sexual health / Remington Nevin, Elspeth Cameron Ritchie
    Genital injury and the psychiatric consult liaison service / Harold Wain, Lisa Young
    Evolution of sexual trauma treatment in the military : experience of a psychiatric partial hospitalization program / Raymond Lande, Sawsan Ghurani, Cara N. Burton, Kerrie Earley
    Way ahead : reconstructive transplantation as an emerging option for penile restoration / Sami Tuffaha, Gerald Brandacher, Richard Redett.
    Digital Access Oxford 2016
  • Article
    Cohen S.
    Am J Pathol. 1977 Sep;88(3):502-28.
    Reactions of cell-mediated immunity fall into two broad categories: those that involve direct participation of intact lymphocytes in the effector mechanism of the reaction and those that involve mediation by soluble lymphocyte-derived factors known as lymphokines. The first kind of reaction is essentially limited to lymphocyte-dependent cytotoxicity, although certain aspects of T cell-B cell cooperation may fall into this category as well. The second category appears to comprise the bulk of the so-called cell-mediated immune response and provides a link between this system and the inflammatory system. Various lymphokines have been shown to exert profound influence upon inflammatory cell metabolism, cell surface properties, patterns of cell migration, and the activation of cells for various biologic activities involved in host defense. Although substantial information is now available about various physicochemical as well as biologic properties of lymphokines, purification and characterization data are as yet too incomplete to allow us to ascribe all of these activities to discrete mediator molecules. Current work involving the development of antibody-based techniques for mediator assay may shed light on this issue. Information on the kinds of cells capable of lymphokine production is now available. Contrary to prior expectation, T cells are not unique in their capacity for lymphokine production. Under appropriate circumstances, B cells and even nonlymphoid cells can do so as well. The unique property of lymphocytes in this regard appears to relate to their ability to respond to certain specialized signals such as specific antigen or an appropriate mitogen. Mediator production per se may represent a general biologic phenomenon. Although lymphokines have been defined mainly in terms of in vitro assays, early speculations about their in vivo importance are proving correct. Evidence for the role of lymphokines comes from studies involving detection of lymphokines in tissues, studies involving injection of exogenous lymphokines, and studies involving suppression of in vivo reactions by various techniques. The use of antilymphokine antibodies has proven useful in the latter kinds of experiments. Work in many laboratories is beginning to relate these findings to clinically relevant situations. A major unsolved problem relates to the regulation and control of lymphokine production and activity. At present only a limited body of information is available on this point. This is a potentially fruitful area for future investigation since it may provide techniques for manipulating the immune system in ways that are clinically useful.
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