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  • Book
    Bipasha Mukherjee, Hunter Yuen, editors.
    Summary: This handbook on orbital, lacrimal and eyelid emergencies deals with such situations in a practical manner guiding the ophthalmologists in accurate handling and making them more proficient and confident in managing vision and life-threatening emergencies. With 51 chapters and more than 150 images, this book covers all the eye emergencies that generalist and specialist ophthalmologists can expect to come across in their day to day practices. It can be argued that the orbit can no more be called 'Pandora's Box' because of the unpredictable nature of its contents. This perception has changed over the years due to the advent of improved diagnostic, in particular, imaging techniques. However, since medical residency provides very little exposure to orbital and adnexal disorders, most clinicians are inexperienced and unsure about their management. Facing an emergency situation where improper management can rapidly worsen the condition leading to blindness or even death of the patient is every ophthalmologist's nightmare. The emergent nature of these conditions does not always provide for a leeway to refer these patients to an orbit and oculoplasty specialist, who are few and far between. By the time the patient reaches his destination, his vision maybe irrevocably lost. The legal implications of such mismanagement can be significant too. This book is a quick and essential resource to manage and refer eye emergencies with confidence. .

    Systemic management in Orbital & Adnexal Emergencies
    Globe Rupture
    Subluxated Globes
    Exposure keratopathy due to absent or avulsed eyelids
    Periocular and adnexal injuries due to animal bites
    Chemical and thermal Injuries
    Eyelid trauma: general considerations
    Investigation of eyelid and lacrimal injuries
    Management of eyelid injuries
    Management of lacrimal system trauma
    Orbital Trauma: Mechanisms and investigations
    Types and management of orbital fractures
    Organic foreign bodies
    Inorganic foreign bodies
    Traumatic optic neuropathy
    Retro-bulbar hemorrhage: Etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical perspectives
    Orbital compartment syndromes
    Orbital emphysema
    Iatrogenic visual loss after orbital and eyelid surgery
    General considerations and investigations for inflammatory orbital and eyelid disease.-Management of fulminant thyroid eye disease
    Orbital apex inflammation
    Pyoderma gangrenosum
    Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and other muco-cutaneous syndromes
    Idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease
    Management of dysthyroid optic neuropathy
    Management of severe exposure keratopathy
    Acute medical management of non-thyroid orbital and eyelid inflammation
    Acute surgical management of non-thyroid orbital and lid inflammation
    General approach and algorithm for managing acute infections of the orbit and eyelid
    Diagnosis and treatment bacterial infections of the orbit
    Viral and fungal infections of the orbit
    Life-threatening infections
    Fulminant streptococcal infections and necrotizing fasciitis
    Viral Keratitis
    Canaliculitis and Intracanalicular foreign bodies
    General approach and algorithm for managing emergent neoplasms of the orbit and adnexa
    Primary orbital malignancies
    Secondary and metastatic tumors of the orbit
    Malignant transformation in benign orbital diseases
    Sebaceous gland carcinoma
    Squamous cell carcinoma
    Merkel cell carcinoma (Cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma)
    Acute presentation of vascular lesions in the orbit
    Exposure keratopathy due to facial nerve palsy
    Complications of Botulinum toxin and facial fillers
    Iatrogenic orbital injury associated with adnexal intervention.
    Digital Access Springer 2017
  • Article
    Pinder RM, Brogden RN, Speight TM, Avery GS.
    Drugs. 1977 May;13(5):321-52.
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