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  • Book
    Howard Wainer.
    New York's cancer maps : what we don't know won't hurt us, it's what we do know that ain't
    A centenary celebration for Will Burtin : a pioneer of scientific visualization
    That's funny ...
    Commentary on some graphs in the 2008 National Healthcare Quality Report
    Improving graphic displays by controlling creativity
    Diabetes and the obesity : taking a better look at blood sugar as a start
    A second look at second opinions, with hip fractures as an example
    False positives, or, Is a pound of prevention worth an ounce of cure
    Assessing long-term risk with shorter-term data
    A remarkable horse : an inquiry into the accuracy of medical predictions
    On the role of replication in the advance of science : the survival of the fittist
    What does it take to change practice?
    Why is a raven like a writing desk? Musing on the power of convention.