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  • Book
    [edited by] Michael Forsting, Olav Jansen.
    Anatomy / A. Mueller and R. von Kummer
    Vascular diseases / M. Forsting
    Brain tumors / O. Jansen and A.C. Rohr
    Head trauma / W. Wiesmann
    Infections / S. Hoehnel
    Multiple sclerosis and related diseases / U. Ememann, B. Bender, and U. Ziemann
    Metabolic disorders / A. Pomschar and B. Ertl-Wagner
    Degenerative diseases / K. Alfke
    Malformations and developmental abnormalities / B. Ertl-Wagner and I. Koerte
    Hydrocephalus and intracranial hypotension / M. Knauth
    Spinal cord / M. Wiesmann
    Degenerative spinal and foraminal stenoses / A. Doerfler
    Spinal trauma / S. Mutze
    Tumors and tumorlike masses / M. Schlamann
    Vascular diseases / J. Linn
    Inflammations, infections, and related diseases / M. Schlamann
    Malformations and developmental abnormalities / A. Seitz and I. Harting
    Peripheral nervous system / M. Pham, P. Baeumer, and M. Bendszus.
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
    Thieme MedOne Radiology