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  • Book
    Antonio Malvasi, Andrea Tinelli, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, editors.
    1. A brief history of obstetric complications
    2. Spontaneous abortion complications
    3. Pathological diagnosis of abortions
    4. Tubal pregnancy
    5. Non-tubal ectopic pregnancies: diagnosis and management
    6. Adnexal pathology in pregnancy
    7. Fibroid complications in pregnancy
    8. Cervical pregnancy
    9. Molar and trophoblastic disease
    10. Assisted reproductive technique complications in pregnancy
    11. Spontaneous uterine rupture prior to twenty weeks of gestation
    12. Cervicoisthmic incompetence
    13. Thrombophilia and pregnancy
    14. Diabetes in pregnancy
    15. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
    Digital Access Springer 2016