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  • Book
    Nancy M. Young, Karen Iler Kirk, editors.
    Part I: Introduction
    Cochlear Implant Design Considerations
    Part 2: Clinical Management
    Cochlear Implant Candidacy in Children: Audiological Considerations
    Vaccines and the Chochlear Implant Patient
    Medical and Radiologic Issues in Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
    Surgical Considerations
    Cochlear Implant Programming for Children
    Diagnosis and Management of Cochlear Implant Malfunctions
    The Role of Electrophysiological Testing in Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
    Part 3: Cochlear Implant Outcomes in Children
    Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition in Children with Cochlear Implants
    Binaural an Spatial Hearing in Implanted Children
    Language and Literacy Skills in Cochlear Implants: Past and Present Findings
    Benefits of Cochlear Implantation on the Whole Child: Longitudinal Changes in Cognition, Behavior, Parenting and Health-Related Quality of Life
    Part 4: Cochlear Implant Outcomes in Special Populations
    Redefining Cochlear Implant Benefits to Appropriately Include Children with Additional Disabilities
    Cochlear Nerve Deficiency
    The Neuroscience of The Pediatric Auditory Brainstem Implant
    Cochlear Implants as Treatment of Single-sided Deafness in Children
    Part 5: Maximizing Cochlear Implant Outcomes Learning
    Elementary Cognitive Processes Underlying Verbal Working Memory in Pre-lingually Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants
    Working Memory Training in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants
    Auditory Training: Predictors of Success and Optimal Training Paradigms
    Integrated Language Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss
    Music as Communication and Training fort Children with Cochlear Implants
    Part 6: Educational Management of Children with Cochlear Implants
    Early Intervention Programs: Therapy Needs of Children Ages 0-3 Years Pre and Post Cochlear Implantation. .
    Digital Access Springer 2016