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  • Book
    edited by Steven A. Kaplan, Kevin T. McVary.
    Etiology and pathogenesis / Robert H. Getzenberg and Prakash Kulkarni
    Lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia : epidemiology, correlates, and risk factors / Raymond C. Rosen and Benjamin N. Breyer
    Clinical assessment and diagnosis of lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) : United States / Christopher P. Filson and John T. Wei
    Clinical assessment and diagnosis of LUTS/BPH : Europe / Stavros Gravas and Jean J.M.C.H. de la Rosette
    Clinical assessment and diagnosis of LUTS/BPH : primary care / Matt T. Rosenberg, John Riley, and Marty M. Miner
    Watchful waiting / Reginald Bruskewitz
    Alpha-adrenergic antagonists for lower urinary symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia / Nathaly Francois, Raunak D. Patel, Kevin T. McVary
    5-Alpha reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) / Claudius, Füllhase, and Roberto Soler
    Anti-muscarinics / Nadir I. Osman and Christopher R. Chapple
    The use of PDE-5 inhibitors in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia / Casey Lythgoe and Kevin T. McVary
    Combination medical therapy for male LUTS / Claus G. Roehrborn
    Complementary therapy / Aaron E Katz and Anne Darves-Bornoz
    Open simple prostatectomy / Annika Herlemann, Matthias Oelke, and Christian Gratzke
    Minimally invasive therapies / Mauro Gacci, Matteo Salvi, and Arcangelo Sebastianelli
    Holmium laser therapy / Peter Gilling
    Greenlight laser therapy / Alexis E. Te and Bilal Chughtai
    Monopolar and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate / Aaron M. Bernie and Richard Lee.
    Digital Access Wiley 2014