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  • Book
    edited by Richard L. Byyny, MD, Maxine A. Papadakis, MD, Douglas S. Paauw, MD.
    Preface. Medical professionalism : best practices / Richard L. Byyny
    Introduction / Maxine Papadakis
    The problem with professionalism / Catherine R. Lucey
    Current practices in remediating medical students with professionalism lapses / Deborah Ziring, Suely Grosseman, and Dennis Novack
    Models. Review of current models for remediation of professionalism lapses / Sheryl A. Pfeil, and Douglas S. Paauw
    Cultural transformation in professionalism / Jo Shapiro
    Enhancing interprofessional professionalism: a systems approach / Rebecca Saavedra
    Pursuing professionalism (but not without an infrastructure) / Gerald B. Hickson, and William O. Cooper
    Remediation. Clinical skills remediation : strategy for intervention of professionalism lapses / Anna Chang
    Remediating professional lapses of medical students : each school an island? / Richard Frankel
    Summary. Concluding thoughts / George Thibault
    Improving professionalism in medicine : what have we learned? / Sheryl A. Pfeil.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    RA399.A1 M435 2015