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  • Book
    [edited by] Gerard A. Malanga, Kenneth Mautner.
    Introduction : an evidence-based approach to the musculoskeletal physical examination / Gerard Malanga, Kenneth Mautner
    Reliability and validity of physical examinations / Heather R. Galgon, Larry H. Chou
    Sensory, motor, and reflex examination / Jeffrey A. Strakowski, Matthew J. Fanous, John Kincaid
    Physical examination of the cervical spine / Lisa Huynh, David J. Kennedy
    Physical examination of the shoulder / Edward McFarland, Jay E. Bowen, Amrut Borade, Gerard A. Malanga, Tutankhamen Pappoe
    Physical examination of the elbow / Kenneth Montgomery, Teo Mendez-Zfass, Andrew Willis
    Examination of the wrist and hand / Keith Bengston
    Physical examination of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint / David Nathan Woznica, Joel Press
    Physical examination of the pelvis and hip / Ken Mautner, J.W. Thomas Byrd, Walter Sussman, Brian Krabak
    Physical examination of the knee / Anthony Beutler, Francis G. O'Connor
    Physical examination of the foot and ankle / Maj Ross A. Schumer, Mederic M. Hall, Annunziato (Ned) Amendola.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2017