Bookedited by Bobby Korn, Don Kikkawa.
Foundations of oculofacial plastic surgery
Chalazion incision and drainage
Upper blepharoplasty
Asian upper blepharoplasty
Asian eyelid crease formation (double eyelid operation) by suture ligation method
Revision of Asian upper eyelid crease
Root Z-epicanthoplasty
Mustardé's epicanthoplasty
Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty with fat redraping
Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty with orbitomalar suspension and fat redraping
Ptosis repair by external levator advancement
Ptosis repair by small incision external levator advancement
Ptosis repair by conjunctival Müller's muscle resection
Congenital ptosis repair by levator resection
Frontalis suspension with silicone rod
Repair of conjunctival prolapse
Upper eyelid retraction repair
Levator extirpation and frontalis suspension
Upper eyelid loading with platinum weight
Direct browplasty
Internal browplasty
Endoscopic browplasty
Pretrichial browplasty
Facelift by minimal access cranial suspension (macs)
Ectropion repair by retractor reinsertion and lateral tarsal strip
Ectropion repair by medial spindle
Ectropion repair with full thickness skin grafting
Canthus sparing drill hole canthoplasty
Entropion repair by transconjunctival approach
Entropion repair by Wies procedure
Entropion repair by posterior tarsotomy
Epiblepharon repair
Limited upper eyelid protractor myectomy
Lower eyelid retraction repair with porcine acellular dermal collagen matrix
Lower eyelid retraction repair with dermis fat
Lower eyelid retraction repair with hard palate grafting
Lower eyelid wedge resection and reconstruction
Lower eyelid reconstruction with periosteal flap and upper eyelid rotational flap
Lower eyelid reconstruction with semicircular flap
Lower eyelid reconstruction with Hughes' tarsoconjunctival flap
Lower eyelid reconstruction with Mustardé flap
Lateral canthal reconstruction with rhomboid flap
Upper eyelid reconstruction with cutler-beard flap and free tarsal graft
Temporal artery biopsy
Conjunctival pillar tarsorrhaphy
Lateral tarsorrhaphy
Autologous fat transfer to the tear trough
Hyaluronic acid gel filler to the inferior periorbita
Botulinum toxin treatment for lateral canthal rhytids (crow's feet)
Botulinum toxin treatment for glabellar rhytids
Botulinum toxin treatment for forehead rhytids
Thermal conjunctivoplasty
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with osteotome
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with lacrimal sac biopsy
Endoscopic revision of failed dacryocystorhinostomy
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with intranasal flap suturing
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with balloon dacryoplasty
Endoscopic conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
Bicanalicular intubation with silicone stent
Treatment of canaliculitis
Silicone stent intubation with pigtail probe
Snip punctoplasty
Three wall orbital decompression
Lateral orbitotomy with rim removal
Inferior orbitotomy for cavernous hemangioma
Orbital fracture repair
Orbital floor reconstruction in silent sinus syndrome
Transcaruncular approach to ethmoidal artery ligation
Reposition of prolapsed lacrimal gland
Optic nerve sheath fenestration
Evisceration with orbital implant placement
Enucleation and orbital implant placement
Orbital exenteration
Orbital implant exchange with dermis fat graft
Multidisciplinary management of orbital varix.