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  • Book
    Pim van Dijk, Deniz Başkent, Etienne Gaudrain, Emile de Kleine, Anita Wagner, Cris Lanting, editors.
    Effects of Age and hearing loss on the processing of auditory temporal fine structure / Brian C. J. Moore
    Aging effects on behavioural estimates of suppression with short suppressors / Erica L. Hegland and Elizabeth A. Strickland
    Contributions of coding efficiency of temporal-structure and level information to lateralization performance in young and early-elderly listeners / Atsushi Ochi, Tatsuya Yamasoba and Shigeto Furukawa
    Investigating the role of working memory in speech-in-noise identification for listeners with normal hearing / Christian Füllgrabe and Stuart Rosen
    The contribution of auditory and cognitive factors to intelligibility of words and sentences in noise / Antje Heinrich and Sarah Knight
    Do hearing aids improve affect perception? / Juliane Schmidt, Diana Herzog, Odette Scharenborg and Esther Janse
    Suitability of the binaural interaction component for interaural electrode pairing of bilateral cochlear implants / Hongmei Hu, Birger Kollmeier and Mathias Dietz
    Binaural loudness constancy / John F. Culling and Helen Dare
    Intelligibility for binaural speech with discarded low-SNR speech components / Esther Schoenmaker and Steven van de Par
    On the contribution of target audibility to performance in spatialized speech mixtures / Virginia Best, Christine R. Mason, Jayaganesh Swaminathan, Gerald Kidd, Kasey M. Jakien, Sean D. Kampel, Frederick J. Gallun, Jörg M. Buchholz and Helen Glyde
    Optimization of a Spectral contrast enhancement algorithm for cochlear implants based on a vowel identification model / Waldo Nogueira, Thilo Rode and Andreas Büchner
    Roles of the contralateral efferent reflex in hearing demonstrated with cochlear implants / Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda, Almudena Eustaquio-Martín, Joshua S. Stohl, Robert D. Wolford, Reinhold Schatzer and Blake S. Wilson
    Deactivating cochlear implant electrodes based on pitch information for users of the ACE Strategy / Deborah Vickers, Aneeka Degun, Angela Canas, Thomas Stainsby and Filiep Vanpoucke
    Speech masking in normal and impaired hearing: interactions between frequency selectivity and inherent temporal fluctuations in noise / Andrew J. Oxenham and Heather A. Kreft
    Effects of pulse shape and polarity on sensitivity to cochlear implant stimulation: a chronic study in guinea pigs / Olivier Macherey and Yves Cazals
    Assessing the firing properties of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve using a convolution model / Stefan B. Strahl, Dyan Ramekers, Marjolijn M. B. Nagelkerke, Konrad E. Schwarz, Philipp Spitzer, Sjaak F. L. Klis, Wilko Grolman and Huib Versnel
    Modeling the individual variability of loudness perception with a multi-category psychometric function / Andrea C. Trevino, Walt Jesteadt and Stephen T. Neely
    Auditory fMRI of sound intensity and loudness for unilateral stimulation / Oliver Behler and Stefan Uppenkamp
    Tinnitus- and task-related differences in resting-state networks / Cris Lanting, Aron Woźniak, Pim van Dijk and Dave R. M. Langers
    The role of conduction delay in creating sensitivity to interaural time differences / Catherine Carr, Go Ashida, Hermann Wagner, Thomas McColgan and Richard Kempter
    Objective measures of neural processing of interaural time differences / David McAlpine, Nicholas Haywood, Jaime Undurraga and Torsten Marquardt
    Minimum audible angles measured with simulated normally-sized and oversized pinnas for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired test subjects / Filip M. Rønne, Søren Laugesen, Niels S. Jensen and Julie H. Pedersen
    Moving objects in the Barn Owl's auditory world / Ulrike Langemann, Bianca Krumm, Katharina Liebner, Rainer Beutelmann and Georg M. Klump
    Change detection in auditory textures / Yves Boubenec, Jennifer Lawlor, Shihab Shamma and Bernhard Englitz
    The relative contributions of temporal envelope and fine structure to mandarin lexical tone perception in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder / Shuo Wang, Ruijuan Dong, Dongxin Liu, Luo Zhang and Li Xu
    Interaction of object binding cues in binaural masking pattern experiments / Jesko L.Verhey, Björn Lübken and Steven van de Par
    Speech intelligibility for target and masker with different spectra / Thibaud Leclère, David Théry, Mathieu Lavandier and John F. Culling
    Dynamics of cochlear nonlinearity / Nigel P. Cooper and Marcel van der Heijden
    Responses of the human inner ear to low-frequency sound / Markus Drexl, Eike Krause, Robert Gürkov and Lutz Wiegrebe
    Suppression measured from chinchilla auditory-nerve-fiber responses following noise-induced hearing loss: adaptive-tracking and systems-identification approaches / Mark Sayles, Michael K. Walls and Michael G. Heinz
    Does signal degradation affect top-down processing of speech? / Anita Wagner, Carina Pals, Charlotte M. de Blecourt, Anastasios Sarampalis Deniz Baṣkent
    The effect of peripheral compression on syllable perception measured with a hearing impairment simulator / Toshie Matsui, Toshio Irino, Misaki Nagae, Hideki Kawahara and Roy D. Patterson
    Towards objective measures of functional hearing abilities / Hamish Innes-Brown, Renee Tsongas, Jeremy Marozeau and Colette McKay
    Connectivity in language areas of the brain in cochlear implant users as revealed by fNIRS / Colette M. McKay, Adnan Shah, Abd-Krim Seghouane, Xin Zhou, William Cross and Ruth Litovsky
    Isolating neural indices of continuous speech processing at the phonetic level / Giovanni M. Di Liberto and Edmund C. Lalor
    Entracking as a brain stem code for pitch: the Butte Hypothesis / Philip X Joris
    Can temporal fine structure and temporal envelope be considered independently for pitch perception? / Nicolas Grimault
    Locating melody processing activity in auditory cortex with magnetoencephalography / Roy D. Patterson, Martin Andermann, Stefan Uppenkamp and André Rupp
    Studying effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on hearing and auditory scene analysis / Lars Riecke
    Functional organization of the ventral auditory pathway / Yale E. Cohen, Sharath Bennur, Kate Christison-Lagay, Adam Gifford and Joji Tsunada
    Neural segregation of concurrent speech: effects of background noise and reverberation on auditory scene analysis in the ventral cochlear nucleus / Mark Sayles, Arkadiusz Stasiak and Ian M. Winter
    Audio visual integration with competing sources in the framework of audio visual speech scene analysis / Attigodu Chandrashekara Ganesh, Frédéric Berthommier and Jean-Luc Schwartz
    Relative pitch perception and the detection of deviant tone patterns / Susan L. Denham, Martin Coath, Gábor P. Háden, Fiona Murray and István Winkler
    Do Zwicker tones evoke a musical pitch? / Hedwig E. Gockel and Robert P. Carlyon
    Speech coding in the midbrain: effects of sensorineural hearing loss / Laurel H. Carney, Duck O. Kim and Shigeyuki Kuwada
    Sources of variability in consonant perception and implications for speech perception modeling / Johannes Zaar and Torsten Dau
    On detectable and meaningful speech-intelligibility benefits / William M. Whitmer, David McShefferty and Michael A. Akeroyd
    Individual differences in behavioural decision weights related to irregularities in cochlear mechanics / Jungmee Lee, Inseok Heo, An-Chieh Chang, Kristen Bond, Christophe Stoelinga, Robert Lutfi and Glenis Long
    On the interplay between cochlear gain loss and temporal envelope coding deficits / Sarah Verhulst, Patrycja Piktel, Anoop Jagadeesh and Manfred Mauermann
    Frequency tuning of the efferent effect on cochlear gain in humans / Vit Drga, Christopher J. Plack and Ifat Yasin.
    Digital Access Springer 2016