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  • Book
    Parimelazhagan Thangaraj.
    1. Ethnobotanical study
    2. Pharmacognostical studies
    3. Extraction of bioactive compounds
    4. Preliminary phytochemical studies
    5. Proximate composition analysis
    6. Mineral quantification
    7. Anti-nutritional factors
    8. Quantification of secondary metabolites
    9. In vitro antioxidant assays
    10. In vitro antihaemolytic activity
    11. Antimicrobial activity
    12. In vitro anthelmintic assay
    13. Toxicity studies
    14. In vivo antioxidant assays
    15. Analgesic activity
    16. Anti-inflammatory activity
    17. Antipyretic activity
    18. Inflammatory bowel disease
    19. In vitro anti-arthritic activity
    20. Anti-diarrhoeal activity
    21. Anti-ulcer activity
    22. Hepatoprotective activity
    23. Anti-diabetic activity
    24. Evaluation of anti-diabetic property on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
    25. In vivo wound healing studies
    26. Determination of cytotoxicity
    27. Induction of apoptosis
    28. Anti-tumour activity
    29. Protein bioavailability in animal model
    30. Detection of phenolic and flavonoid compounds using high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)
    31. Isolation of compounds
    32. Molecular docking of bioactive compounds against BRCA and COX proteins
    Digital Access Springer 2016