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  • Book
    edited by Michael R. Hughes and Kelly M. McNagny.
    Paul Ehrlich's mastzellen : a historical perspective of relevant developments in mast cell biology / Jack Ghably [and others]
    Phylogenetic profile of mast cells / Enrico Crivellato, Luciana Travan, and Domenico Ribatti
    Mast cell development and function in the Zebrafish / Sahar I Da'as, Tugce B. Balci, and Jason N. Berman
    Human mast cell and basophil/eosinophil progenitors / Gail M. Gauvreau and Judah A. Denburg
    Methods for the study of mast cell recruitment and accumulation in different tissues / Tatiana G. Jones and Michael F. Gurish
    Notch2 signaling in mast cell development and distribution in the intestine / Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto and Shigeru Chiba
    Mast cells in human health and disease / Erin J. DeBruin ... [e tal.]
    Emerging prominence of the cardiac mast cell as a potent mediator of adverse myocardial remodeling / Joseph S. Janicki, Gregory L. Brower, and Scott P. Levick
    Parasympathetic nervous system as a regulator of mast cell function / Paul Forsythe
    Growth of human mast cells from bone marrow and peripheral blood-derived CD34+ pluripotent hematopoietic cells / Geethani Bandara, Dean D. Metcalfe, and Arnold S. Kirshenbaum
    Isolation and characterization of human intestinal mast cells / Axel Lorentz, Gernot Sellge, and Stephan C. Bischoff
    Human mast cell activation with viruses and pathogen products / Ian D. Haidl and Jean S. Marshall
    Basic techniques to study Fc[epsilon]RI signaling in mast cells / Yuko Kawakami and Toshiaki Kawakami
    Membrane-cytoskeleton dynamics in the course of mast cell activation / Pavel Dráber and Petr Dráber
    Fc[epsilon]RI expression and dynamics on mast cells / Eon J. Rios and Janet Kalesnikoff
    Regulation of mast cell survival and apoptosis / Christine Möller Westerberg, Maria Ekoff, and Gunnar Nilsson
    Protein tyrosine phosphatases in mast cell signaling / Alexander Geldman and Catherine J. Pallen
    MicroRNA function in mast cell biology : protocols to characterize and modulate MicroRNA expression / Steven Maltby [and others]
    Assay of mast cell mediators / Madeleine Rådinger [and others]
    Induction of mast cell apoptosis by a novel secretory granule-mediated pathway / Fabio R. Melo, Sara Wernersson, and Gunnar Pejler
    Measurement of nitric oxide in mast cells with the fluorescent indicator DAF-FM diacetate / Chris D. St. Laurent, Tae Chul Moon, and A. Dean Befus
    Real-time imaging of Ca2+ mobilization and degranulation in mast cells / Roy Cohen, David A. Holowka, and Barbara A. Baird
    Flow cytometry-based monitoring of mast cell activation / Glenn Cruse, Alasdair M. Gilfillan, and Daniel Smrz
    Measurement of mast cell surface molecules by high- throughput immunophenotyping using transcription (HIT) / D. James Haddon [and others]
    Cre/loxP-based mouse models of mast cell deficiency and mast cell-specific gene inactivation / Katrin Peschke [and others]
    Evaluation of synovial mast cell functions in autoimmune arthritis / Peter A. Nigrovic and Kichul Shin
    Methods for the study of mast cells in cancer / Nichole R. Blatner, FuNien Tsai, and Khashayarsha Khazaie
    Studying mast cells in peripheral tolerance by using a skin transplantation model / Victor C. de Vries [and others]
    Function of mast cells in autoimmune glomerulonephritis / Renato C. Monteiro [and others]
    Mouse model of atopic dermatitis / Yuko Kawakami and Toshiaki Kawakami
    Mouse models of allergic asthma / Matthew Gold, David Marsolais, and Marie-Renee Blanchet
    Methods in assessment of airway reactivity in mice / Matthew Gold and Marie-Renee Blanchet.
    Digital Access Springer 2015