Bookedited by Domenico Ribatti.
The development of the vascular system : a historical overview / Dominico Ribatti, Beatrice Nico, and Enrico Crivellato
The corneal pocket assay / Marina Ziche and Lucia Morbidelli
The mouse hindbrain : an in vivo model to analyze developmental angiogenesis / Alice Plein, Christiana Ruhrberg, and Alessandro Fantin
Three-dimensional in vitro assay of endothelial cell invasion and capillary tube morphogenesis / Lauar di Blasio, Federico Bussolino, and Luca Primo
Vascular casting for the study of vascular morphogenesis / Maximilian Ackermann and Moritz A. Konerding
Cell-based computational modeling of vascular morphogenesis using Tissue Simulation Toolkit / Josephine T. Daub and Roeland M.H. Merks
miRNAs expression profile in zebrafish developing vessels / Emma Ristori and Stefania Nicoli
Imaging of cardiovascular development in mammalian embryos using optical coherence tomography / Monica D. Garcia ... [and 3 others]
Live confocal microscopy of the developing mouse embryonic yolk sac vasculature / Andrew L. Lopez III ... [and 3 others]
Zebrafish embryo intersegmental vesssels : a tool for investigating sprouting angiogenesis / Chiara Tobia ... [and 3 others]
Avian area vasculosa and CAM as rapid in vivo pro-angiogenic and antiangiogenic models / Andrew N. Makanya ... [and 3 others]
Investigating in vitro angiogenesis by computer-assisted image analysis and computational simulation / Diego Guidolin ... [and 3 others]
A chimeric embryoid body model to study vascular morphogenesis / Yanmei Qi ... [and 4 others]
Avians as a model system of vascular development / Michael Bressan and Takashi Mikawa
Microfluidic model of angiogenic sprouting / Jonathan W. Song, Despina Bazou, and Lance L. Munn
The rat aortic ring model of angiogenesis / Alfred C. Aplin and Roberto F. Nicosia
The coculture organotypic assay of angiogenesis / Jennifer L. Allen and Harry Mellor.