Bookedited by Pascale Besse.
Plant Taxonomy: An Historical Perspective, Current Challenges and Perspectives
Guidelines for the Choice of Sequences for Molecular Plant Taxonomy
Leaf Tissue Sampling and DNA Extraction Protocols
DNA Extraction from Herbarium Specimens
Analysis of Variation in Chloroplast DNA Sequences
Mitochondrial Genome and Plant Taxonomy
Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Genes: ITS Region
New Technologies for Ultra-High Throughput Genotyping in Plant Taxonomy
Development of Microsatellite Enriched Libraries
Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Derived Techniques
Multilocus Profiling with AFLP, ISSR and SAMPL
Transposon Based Tagging: IRAP, REMAP and iPBS
Phylogenetic Reconstruction Methods: An Overview
The Application of Flow Cytometry for Estimating Genome Size and Ploidy Level in Plants
Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH and Flurochrome Banding): Resolving Species Relationships and Genome Organisation
GISH: Resolving Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybrids
On the Relevance of Molecular Tools for the Taxonomy Revision in Malvales, Malvaceae s.l. and Dombeyoideae
What Has Molecular Systematics Contributed to Our Knowledge of the Plant Family Proteaceae.