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  • Book
    edited by Yves Engelborghs, Antonie J.W.G. Visser.
    How to collect National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable fluorescence excitation and emission spectra / Adam Matthew Gilmore
    Steady-state fluorescence polarization/anisotropy for the study of protein interactions / Nicholas G. James and David M. Jameson
    Quantitative fluorescence spectral analysis of protein denaturation / Ivo H.M. van Stokkum and Sergey P. Laptenok
    High-pressure fluorescence applications / Mariano Dellarole and Catherine A. Royer
    Frequency domain fluorometry : theory and application / Carissa M. Vetromile and David M. Jameson
    Polar plot representation of time-resolved fluorescence / John Paul Eichorst, Kai Wen Teng, and Robert M. Clegg
    Ensemble and single-molecule detected time-resolved FRET methods in studies of protein conformations and dynamics / Tomer Orevi ... [et al.]
    MD + QM correlations with tryptophan fluorescence spectral shifts and lifetimes / Patrik R. Callis and Jose R. Tusell
    Analysis of time-dependent red shifts in fluorescence emission from tryptophan residues in proteins / Dmitri Toptygin
    Global analysis of time-resolved fluorescence data / Anatoli V. Digris ... [et al.]
    Nanometrology / David J.S. Birch and Philip Yip
    Upconversion spectrophotofluorometry / Arianna Biesso, Jianhua Xu, and Jay R. Knutson
    Subpicosecond Kerr-Gate spectrofluorometry / Sergey P. Laptenok ... [et al.]
    Photoinduced electron transfer modeling to simulate flavoprotein fluorescence decay / Nadtanet Nunthaboot ... [et al.]
    Biosynthetic incorporation of tryptophan analogs in proteins / Jaap Broos
    Optimization of fluorescent proteins / Daphne S. Bindels ... [et al.]
    Monitoring membrane properties and apoptosis using membrane probes of the 3-hydroxyflavone family / Zeinab Darwich, Andrey S. Klymchenko, and Yves Mély
    Rectangle FRAP for measuring diffusion with a laser scanning microscope / Ranhua Xiong ... [et al.]
    Quantitative protocol for intensity-based live cell FRET imaging / Clemens F. Kaminski, Eric J. Rees, and Gabriele S. Kaminski Schierle
    Wide-field fluorescence lifetime imaging with multi-anode detectors / Roland Hartig ... [et al.]
    Global analysis of FRET-FLIM data in live plant cells / Sergey P. Laptenok ... [et al.]
    Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy imaging / Klaus Suhling, James Levitt, and Pei-Hua Chung
    Multimodal fluorescence imaging spectroscopy / Martijn H.W. Stopel, Christian Blum, and Vinod Subramaniam
    Application of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to measure the dynamics of fluorescent proteins in living cells / Thomas Weidemann
    Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) in living cells / Xiaoxiao Ma, Yong Hwee Foo, and Thorsten Wohland
    Quantifying lipid-protein interaction by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) / Ana M. Melo, Manuel Prieto, and Ana Coutinho
    PET-FCS : probing rapid structural fluctuations of proteins and nucleic acids by single-molecule fluorescence quenching / Markus Sauer and Hannes Neuweiler
    Z-scan fluorescence correlation spectroscopy as a tool for diffusion measurements in planar lipid membranes / Tomáš Steinberger, Radek Macháň , and Martin Hof
    Scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (SFCS) with a scan path perpendicular to the membrane plane / Paul Müller, Petra Schwille, and Thomas Weidemann
    Implementation and application of pulsed interleaved excitation for dual-color FCS and RICS / Jelle Hendrix and Don C. Lamb
    Quantitative study of protein-protein interactions in live cell by dual-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy / Sergi Padilla-Parra ... [et al.]
    Brightness experiments / Patrick J. Macdonald ... [et al.]
    Global analysis of autocorrelation functions and photon counting distributions in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy / Victor V. Skakun, Anatoli V. Digris, and Vladimir V. Apanasovich
    Simulation of autocorrelation function and photon counting distribution in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy / Igor P. Shingaryov, Victor V. Skakun, and Vladimir V. Apanasovich
    Single-molecule fluorescence of nucleic acids / Kaley McCluskey ... [et al.]
    Photoswitchable fluorescent proteins for superresolution fluorescence microscopy circumventing the diffraction limit of light / Susana Rocha ... [et al.].
    Digital Access Springer 2014