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  • Book
    Marco Canepari, Dejan Zecevic, Olivier Bernus, editors.
    Part I. Principles of Membrane Potential Imaging
    1. Historical overview and general methods of mambrane potential imaging
    2. Design and use of organic voltage sensitve dyes
    Part II. Membrane Potential Signals with Single Cell Resolution
    3. Imaging submillisecond membrane potential changes from individual regions of single axons, dendrites and spines
    4. Combining membrane potential imaging with other optical techniques
    5. Monitoring spiking activity of many individual neurons in invertebrate ganglia
    Part III. Monitoring Activity of Networks and Large Neuronal Populations
    6. Monitoring integrated activity of individual neurons using FRET-based voltage-senstive dyes
    7. Monitoring population membrane potential signals from neocortex
    8. Voltage imaging in the study of hippocampal circuit function and plasticity
    9. Monitoring population membrane potential signals during development of the vertebrate nervous system
    10. Imaging the dynamics of mammalian neocortical population activity in-vivo
    11. Imaging the dynamics of neocortical population activity in behaving and freely moving mammals
    Part IV. Monitoring Membrane Potential in the Heart
    12. Optical imaging of cardiac action potential
    13. Optical mapping of ventricular fibrillation dynamics
    14. Imaging of ventricular fibriallation dynamics
    15. Biophotonic modelling of cardiac optical imaging
    16. Towards depth-resolved optical imaging of cardiac electrical activity
    Part V. New Approaches: Potentials and Limitations
    17. Two-photon excitation of fluorescent voltage-sensitive dyes: monitoring membrane potential in the infrared
    18. Random-access multiphoton microscopy for fast three-dimensional imaging
    19. Second harmonic imaging of membrane potential
    20. Genetically encoded protein sensors of membrane potential
    Digital Access Springer 2015
  • Article
    Tada T.
    Nihon Hifuka Gakkai Zasshi. 1979 Nov;89(13):916-9.
    Digital Access Access Options