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  • Book
    edited by Andrea T. Deyrup, Gene P. Siegal.
    Normal bone anatomy / Michael J. Klein
    Patterns in radiology / D. Lee Bennett and Georges Y. El-Khoury
    Clinical patterns of orthopedic disease / Kevin B. Jones and Joseph A. Buckwalter
    Patterns of diagnostic evaluation / Michael J. Klein
    Lesions characterized by osteoid deposition and non-aggressive radiology / Luminita Rezeanu
    Lesions characterized by osteoid deposition and aggressive radiology located within bone / Anthony Montag
    Lesions characterized by osteoid deposition and non-aggressive radiology located on bone surface / Shi Wei
    Lesions characterized by osteoid deposition and aggressive radiology located on bone surface or within cortex / Anthony Montag
    Lesions characterized by cartilage deposition and non-aggressive/intermediate radiology / Yong-Koo Park
    Lesions characterized by cartilage deposition and aggressive radiology / Andrea T. Deyrup
    Lesions characterized by large numbers of giant cells replacing trabecular bone / Edward McCarthy
    Lesions characterized by a fibrous, spindle cell proliferation replacing trabecular bone / Frank Gannon and Benjamin Hoch
    Lesions characterized by vascular proliferation replacing trabecular bone / Wendong Yu, Sathiyamoorthy Selvarajan and Andrew E Rosenberg
    Lesions characterized by permeation of cells through trabecular bone with or without bone destruction / M. John Hicks
    Cystic lesions in bone / Yong-Koo Park
    Avascular necrosis bone infarcts, paget disease and "soft tissue tumors" of bone / Shadi A. Qasem
    Metastasis / Julie Fanburg-Smith, Michael E. Mulligan and Mark D. Murphey
    Notochordal and related lesions / Carrie Y. Inwards and Karen J. Fritchie
    Degenerative joint disease / Meera R. Hameed
    Crystalline arthropathies / Edward F. DiCarlo
    Synovial based lesions / Andrea T. Deyrup.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2016