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  • Book
    Brian R. Moyer, Narayan P.S. Cheruvu, Tom C.-C. Hu, editors.
    Summary: Advances in drugs and biologics to mitigate or cure some of nature's most complex medical problems have been incredible to behold. These accomplishments are due to the actions of a wide theatre of participants from biologists, pharmacologists, geneticists, chemists and manufacturers, molecular biologists, toxicologists, clinicians, nurses, program managers, quality assurance personnel, regulatory professionals and a new group of innovators the Imaging Scientists. Imaging has grown from the microscopy sections put on slides with special stains to now in vivo slices created with innovative physics, imaging tracers and contrast agents, and incredibly fast and accurate computational systems. The world of biology has become one of witnessing the actions of drugs and biologics through the window of mechanical and electrical engineering creating instruments and reporter molecules that can help us see into our bodies and paint them with medical information needed to resolve disease. This book will inspire imagination and elicit even more innovations in the development of new and novel drugs and biologics through imaging.

    Imaging Platforms and Drug Development: An Introduction / Brian R. Moyer
    Imaging in Drug Development: Animal Models, Handling and Physiological Constraints / David B. Stout
    Considerations for Preclinical Laboratory Animal Imaging Center Design, Setup, and Management Suitable for Biomedical Investigation for Drug Discovery / Brenda A. Klaunberg and H. Douglas Morris
    Pharmaco-Imaging in Translational Science and Research / Immanuel Freedman
    The Role of Pharmacokinetics and Allometrics in Imaging: Practical Issues and Considerations / Brian R. Moyer
    Quantitative Imaging Using Autoradiographic Techniques / Eric G. Solon and Brian R. Moyer
    Preclinical Imaging in Oncology: Considerations and Recommendations for the Imaging Scientist / Daniel P. Bradley and Tim Wyant
    Use of Radiolabelled Leukocytes for Drug Evaluation in Man / Chrystalla Loutsios, Neda Farahi, Charlotte Summers, Prina Ruparelia, Jessica White [and 9 others]
    Application of Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI) to the Study of the Animal Models of Human Infectious Diseases / Hana Golding and Marina Zaitseva
    Preclinical Imaging in BSL-3 and BSL-4 Environments: Imaging Pathophysiology of Highly Pathogenic Infectious Diseases / Lauren Keith, Svetlana Chefer, Laura Bollinger, Jeffrey Solomon [and 4 others]
    Magnetic Resonance as a Tool for Pharmaco-Imaging / Brian R. Moyer, Tom C.-C. Hu, Simon Williams and H. Douglas Morris
    Technologies and Principles of Mass Spectral Imaging / Kevin A. Douglass, Demian R. Ifa and Andre R. Venter
    Regulatory Considerations Involved in Imaging / Brian R. Moyer, Narayan P. S. Cheruvu and Tom C.-C. Hu.
    Digital Access Springer 2014