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  • Book
    Boban M Erovic, Piero Lercher.
    Summary: Ablative tumor surgery of the head and neck region often results in severe cosmetic and functional deformities. In these cases, microvascular free-tissue transfer enables three-dimensional reconstruction of head and neck defects. The selection of adequate donor tissue and a profound knowledge of the human anatomy and the various harvesting techniques are paramount in ensuring successful reconstruction. Reflecting current surgical approaches, this book presents the most frequently used flaps in head and neck surgery, including detailed overviews as well as their respective pearls and pitfalls. Moreover, each section contains a synopsis and pre-operative checklist. The overlay-technique merges high-quality-photographs with drawings and precisely illustrates the step-to-step descriptions of the different flap harvesting techniques, making this manual in pocket size an unique and accessible reference for both doctors in training and specialists in the field of otolaryngology, head and neck, plastic, maxillofacial and skull base surgery.

    Part I: Introduction
    1. History of microvascular surgery
    2. Selection of flaps
    3. Classification of flaps
    4. Preoperative considerations
    5. Intraoperative considerations
    6. Arterial anastomosis
    7. Venous anastomosis
    8. Postoperative care
    9. Timetable of homeostasis
    10. Flap surveillance protocol
    11. No patency and flap salvage options
    12. Skin graft harvest
    13. Full-thickness skin graft
    14. Harvesting vein grafts
    15. Sural nerve grafts
    16. Harvest of rib cartilage
    Part II: Regional Flaps
    17. Paramedian flap
    18. Buccal flap
    19. Palatal island flap
    20. Facial artery musculomucosal flap
    21. Sternocleidomastoid flap
    22. Supraclavicular artery flap
    23. Deltopectoral flap
    24. Pectoralis major flap
    Part III: Free flaps
    25. Tempoparietal fascia free flap
    26. Scapula/parascapula free flap
    27. Latissimus dorsi free flap
    28. Radial forearm free flap
    29. Tensor fascia lata free flap
    30. Anterolateral thigh flap
    31. Fibula free flap.
    Digital Access Springer 2015
  • Article
    Möller G, Möller E.
    Transplant Proc. 1979 Mar;11(1):1041-6.
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