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  • Book
    Zang-Hee Cho, editor.
    Summary: The inaugural publication of the 7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation in 2010 provided readers with a spectacular source of ultra-high resolution images revealing a wealth of details of the brainstem and midbrain structures. This second edition contributes additional knowledge gained as a result of technologic advances and recent research. To facilitate identification and comparison of brain structures and anatomy, a detailed coordination matrix is featured in each image. Updated axial, sagittal, and coronal images are also included. This state-of-the-art and user-friendly reference will provide researchers and clinicians with important new perspectives.

    Preface of the 2nd Edition
    1. Reference of Brain Image Setting
    2. Orientation of Brain Images
    I. Orientation of the image sections and planes
    II. Standard of the sectional brain image planes and sizes
    III. Adjustment of MRI brain to the reference brain
    IV. Terminology & Labeling
    V. Data collection system for clinicopathologic brain mapping
    VI. Figures (Figs. 1, 2, 3)
    3. Sources of Brain Images
    I. In vivo Images using 7.0T MRI
    II. Cadaver Images by Cryomacrotome
    III. Image reconstruction and volume rendering
    4. 3D Images by Volume Rendering
    I. Coronal, Sagittal and Axial Cuts- Cadaver (Fig. 4)
    II. Coronal, Sagittal and Axial Cuts- MRI (Fig. 5)
    III. Sulcus and Gyrus- MRI (Fig. 6)
    IV.Brodmann areas-MRI (Fig. 7)
    Chapter I. Coronal Images of Cadaver & Human Brain of 7.0T MRI In Vivo
    Chapter II. Sagittal Images of Cadaver & Human Brain of 7.0T MRI In Vivo
    Chapter III. Axial Images of Cadaver & Human Brain of 7.0T MRI In Vivo
    Digital Access Springer 2015