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  • Book
    Ovunc Bardakcioglu, editor.
    Summary: This book bridges gap between the practicing community of surgeons and the surgical innovators, and it provides a foundation for all classic and new techniques in minimally invasive colorectal surgery. It provides tips and tricks that allow the user to move up the learning curve, manage difficult scenarios, overcome challenges, increase the utilization of minimal invasive techniques and decrease the conversion to open surgery. By enhancing the surgical tool box, the surgeon will be able to progress from the novice to the master. Rather than describing operative procedures, which may be very biased by an individual author, the guide provides alternative building blocks of various difficulty for different procedures, thereby allowing the surgeon to tailored surgery to patient and surgeon's own comfort level and experience. Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Colorectal Surgery is an inspirational guide for the innovator of the future. This text allows surgeons of all levels to better adapt to inevitable changes in future techniques. Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Colorectal Surgery is of great value to general surgeons, colon and rectal surgeons, minimally invasive surgeons as well as residents and fellows.

    Development of Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery: History, Evidence, Learning Curve, and Current Adaptation
    Preoperative Planning and Postoperative Care in Minimal Invasive Colorectal Surgery
    Operating Room Setup and General Techniques in Minimal Invasive Colorectal Surgery
    Operating room setup and general techniques for robotic surgery
    Right Hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: laparoscopic approach
    Right Hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: hand-assisted laparoscopic approach
    Right Hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: Single Port Laparoscopic Approach
    Right Hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: laparoscopic intacorporeal anastomosis
    Right hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: robotic approach
    Right Hemicolectomy and Ileocecectomy: single port robotic approach
    Right hemicolectomy and ileocecectomy: robotic intracorporeal anastomosis
    Transverse Colectomy: laparoscopic approach
    Sigmoid Colectomy and Left Hemicolectomy: laparoscopic approach
    Sigmoid Colectomy and Left Hemicolectomy: hand assisted laparoscopic approach
    Sigmoid colectomy and left hemicolectomy: single port laparoscopic approach
    Sigmoid colectomy and left hemiolectomy: robotic approach
    Proctectomy and Rectopexy: laparoscopic approach
    Proctectomy and Rectopexy: hybrid robotic approach
    Proctectomy: Total robotic approach
    Total colectomy and Proctocolectomy: laparoscopic approach
    Total Colectomy and Proctocolectomy: hand assisted laparoscopic approach
    Total Colectomy and Proctocolectomy: single port laparoscopic approach
    Stoma Construction: Laparoscopic approach
    Stoma Construction: single port laparoscopic approach
    Transanal Endoscopic Surgery (TES)
    Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM)
    Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS). .
    Digital Access Springer 2015