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  • Book
    Paolo Alboni, Raffaello Furlan, editors.
    Summary: This book is exceptional in being devoted solely to vasovagal syncope (VVS), the most frequent cause of transient loss of consciousness in the general population. All aspects of VVS are covered, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and implications for particular activities such as work, driving and physical activity. The context for the book is that about half of the population suffer from this type of loss of consciousness during their lifetime and then often call for general practitioner and/or emergency room assistance. While many pathophysiological aspects of VVS have been clarified, others remain elusive. The diagnosis of VVS may be easy, but it is sometimes challenging. From the therapeutic standpoint, few evidence-based therapies have been established and the large majority of treatments remain unsatisfactory. Vasovagal Syncope presents the latest evidence on all these issues and will be of value for internists, cardiologists, neurologists, emergency physicians and general practitioners.

    1. Origin and evolution of the vasovagal reflex
    2. Vasovagal syncope in the Divine Comedy and the Holy Bible
    3. Definition and classification of transient loss of consciousness
    4. Epidemiology of vasovagal syncope
    5. Role of autonomic nervous system
    6. Role of baroreceptor mechanisms
    7. Role of adenosine
    8. Cardiac rhythms in neurally mediated syncope
    9. Pathophysiology: Conclusive remarks
    10. Initial evaluation of the patient with transient loss of consciousness
    11. Clinical presentation and diagnosis of vasovagal syncope
    12. Examinations in suspected vasovagal syncope
    13. Differential diagnosis of vasovagal syncope
    14. Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Postural tachycardia
    15 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Sick sinus syndrome
    16 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Chronic fatigue syndrome
    17 Differential diagnosis of peculiar sindromes: Fibromyalgia
    PART V ? PROGNOSIS AND TREATMENT 18 Prognosis of vasovagal syncope and risk stratification in the emergency department
    19 Treatment of vasovagal syncope: Counseling, drugs and counter-pressure manoeuvres
    20 Role of loop-recorder and pacemaker implantation
    21 Therapy ? Conclusive remarks
    22 Vasovagal syncope in children
    23 Vasovagal syncope in the elderly
    24 Vasovagal syncope during driving, working and physical activity
    25 Vasovagal syncope and orthostatic intolerance after space flight
    26 Vasovagal syncope and sudden death: is there a liaison?.
    Digital Access Springer 2015