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  • Book
    Badrinath R. Konety, Sam S. Chang, editors.
    Summary: This book provides a single, comprehensive reference source that incorporates the epidemiology, natural history, and the latest genetic and molecular biological findings of bladder cancer. This book discusses the diagnostic and staging evaluation of both non-muscle invasive and invasive bladder cancer and incorporates the new findings on markers for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Risk stratified treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer including various approaches to intravesical therapy are reviewed. Current guideline-based approaches to management and new data regarding diagnosis and prognostication of muscle invasive bladder cancer is analyzed and summarized. This book covers the application of chemotherapy for muscle invasive and advanced disease. The evidence-based application of multimodality therapy is highlighted. Gaps in current knowledge and important areas for clinical research are highlighted. Authored by experts in their respective fields, Management of Bladder Cancer: A Comprehensive Text with Clinical Scenarios serves as an easy and complete reference source for clinicians, researchers, individuals in training, allied health professionals and medical students in the fields of Urology, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Basic and Translational Science and Epidemiology.

    Epidemiology and natural history
    Screening for Bladder Cancer
    Pathology and Staging: Histopathology and Cytopathology
    Pathology and Staging: Genetics and Molecular Biology
    Imaging in Localized and Advanced Bladder Cancer
    New Imaging Techniques in Staging of Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder
    Socioeconomic issues and improved quality of care
    Quality of life measures
    Prognostication and risk assessment
    Clinical trials and emerging therapeutic strategies in bladder cancer
    Improved diagnostic techniques
    Clinical scenario: Microscopic hematuria and atypical cytology in a 68 year old man with normal upper tract imaging
    Localized surgical therapy and surveillance
    Clinical Scenario: Initial high grade Ta tumor
    Clinical Scenario: Recurrent Ta tumor
    Clinical Scenario: Rapidly growing, high volume, low grade Ta tumor
    Clinical Scenario: Low grade T1 tumor
    Intravesical therapy
    Clinical Scenario: Initial CIS
    Management of BCG Recurrent Bladder Cancer
    Clinical Scenario: Persistent CIS and HIGH Grade Ta Bladder Cancer after BCG
    Maurizio Brausi
    Clinical Scenario: Presentation and Management of Significant Side Effects from Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Bladder Instillation
    Guideline-based management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: comparison of the AUA, EAU, ICUD and NCCN guidelines
    Open Radical Cystectomy
    Robotic cystectomy
    Clinical Scenario: T2 bladder tumor
    Urinary Diversion: Open and robotic techniques
    Clinical Scenario: 53 year-old man with a solitary, 2 cm, high-grade T2 tumor and focal CIS in the bladder dome who wants bladder preservation
    Management of Bladder Cancer, role of chemotherapy and controversies surrounding its application
    Clinical Scenario: Large volume, non metastatic T2 bladder tumor
    The role of pelvic lymphadenectomy at the time of radical cystectomy for bladder cancer
    Clinical Scenario: Unexpected positive nodes at radical cystectomy
    Surveillance and monitoring
    Clinical Scenario: The Role of Perioperative Chemotherapy
    Management of Bladder Cancer with Pelvic Nodal Metastases After Complete Response to Chemotherapy
    Guideline based management muscle-invasive bladder cancer: NCCN, ICUD and EAU.
    Digital Access Springer 2015