Today's Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm


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  • Book
    volume editor, Karl Lenhard Rudolph.
    Speakers at the symposium
    Stem cells in adult intestine / Feng, J., Sperka, T.
    Molecular mechanisms of muscle stem cell aging / Schwërer, S., Tümpel, S.
    Mechanism of functional alterations in hematopoietic stem cell aging / Morita, Y.
    The microenvironment, aging, and disease / Geiger, H.
    Sestrins in aging and metabolism / Tang, D., Tao S.
    Telomeres and stem cell aging / Felix, D.A.
    DNA damage and checkpoint responses in adult stem cells / Romanov, V., Shukla, A., Ju, Z.
    Digital Access Karger 2015