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  • Book
    David R. Fleisher.
    Summary: Management of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children presents biopsychosocial theory with respect to six groups of functional disorders: disorders of elimination, vomiting disorders, abdominal pain, infant colic, chronic non-specific diarrhea of infants and toddlers, and failure to thrive. It illustrates, through numerous clinical examples, concepts of management developed during 45 years of practice. A satisfactory clinical outcome for pediatric gastrointestinal disorders often depends on the clinician's ability to discern not only the biological factors in illness, but also the unique cognitive and emotional needs that patients bring to the task of healing. This book provides guidelines for integrating the biopsychosocial model, an approach that has been under-emphasized in the literature until now. It includes naturalistic descriptions of functional gastrointestinal disorders, clinical goals, and the theoretical bases for management techniques. Offering numerous real-world examples and tips, this book serves as a valuable resource for pediatricians, family practitioners, pediatric mental health practitioners, pediatric nurse practitioners, as well as pediatric gastroenterologists.

    An introduction to biopsychosocial concepts
    Functional disorders of elimination
    Functional vomiting disorders
    The recurrent abdominal pain syndrome
    Infant colic syndrome
    Chronic non-specific diarrhea of infants and toddlers
    Failure to thrive.
    Digital Access Springer 2014