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  • Book
    edited by Avi Ashkenazi, Junying Yuan and James A. Wells.
    Examining the molecular mechanism of Bcl-2 family proteins at membranes by fluorescence spectroscopy
    Photoreactive stapled peptides to identify and characterize BCL-2 family interaction sites by mass spectrometry
    The structural biology of BH3-only proteins
    How to analyze mitochondrial morphology in healthy cells and apoptotic cells in Caenorhabditis elegans
    Apoptosis initiation through the cell-extrinsic pathway
    Using RNAi screening technologies to interrogate the extrinsic apoptosis pathway
    Caspase enzymology and activation mechanisms
    Turning on caspases with genetics and small molecules
    A multipronged approach for compiling a global map of allosteric regulation in the apoptotic caspases
    Measuring caspase activity in vivo
    Single-molecule sensing of caspase activation in live cells via plasmon coupling nanotechnology
    In vivo monitoring of caspase activation using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based fluorescent probe
    Global analysis of cullular proteolysis by selective enzymatic labelling of protein N-termini
    Complementary methods for the indentification of substrates of proteolysis
    Phospholipid scrambling on the plasma membrane
    Studying apoptosis in the zebrafish.
    Digital Access ScienceDirect 2014