BookHendrik C. Dienemann, Hans H. Hoffmann, Frank C. Detterbeck, editors.
Part I. Approach
1. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery / Michael Klopp
2. Thoracotomy and Sternotomy / Joachim Pfannschmidt
Part II. Trachea
3. Tracheostomy / Konstantina Storz and Werner Schmidt
4. Benign Tracheal Stenosis / Fernando A. Abdala
5. Subglottic Tracheal Stenosis / Henning A. Gaissert and Douglas J. Mathisen
6. Tracheal Injuries and Fistulas / Thomas Schneider
7. Tracheobronchoplasty / Sidhu P. Gangadharan
8. Malignant Tracheal Tumors
Cameron D. Wright
9. Endoscopic Maneuvers / Ralf Eberhardt
Part III. Carinal Region
10. Carinal Resection and Reconstruction / Hendrik C. Dienemann
Part IV. Lung
11. VATS Wedge Resection / Gaetano Rocco
12. Open Wedge Resection / Junji Yoshida
13. Laser Resection of Metastases / Axel Rolle
14. Thoracotomy Pneumonectomy / Elisabeth U. Dexter and Todd L. Demmy
15. Thoracoscopic-Assisted Pneumonectomy / Elisabeth U. Dexter and Todd L. Demmy
16. Anatomic Segmental Resection / Hisao Asamura
17. Pulmonary Lobectomy (Thoracotomy and VATS) / Bernard J. Park and Suyog A. Mokashi
18. Bronchial Sleeve Resection / Hans Hoffmann
19. Vascular Sleeve Resection / Bernward Passlick
20. Lymph Node Dissection / Alper Toker
21. Lung Sequestration / Erich Stoelben
22. Pulmonary Malformation / Stefan Holland-Cunz
23. Bronchiectasis / Semih Halezeroğlu
24. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery / Stefan Welter and Georgios Stamatis
25. Bullectomy / Konstantina Storz
26. Aspergilloma / Ashok N. Babu and John D. Mitchell
Part V. Mediastinum
27. Video-Assisted Mediastinoscopic Lymphadenectomy (VAMLA) / Biruta Witte and Martin Hürtgen
28. Transcervical Extended Mediastinal Lymphadenectomy (TEMLA) / Marcin Zieliński
29. Endoscopic Staging / Felix J.F. Herth
30. Mediastinotomy / M. Blair Marshall
31. Transsternal Thymectomy / Joshua Sonett
32. Thymectomy (VATS, da Vinci) / Jens C. Rückert, Marc Swierzy, Ralph I. Rückert, and Mahmoud Ismail
33. Benign Neurogenic Tumors and Bronchogenic Cysts / Christiane Grünewald and Hendrik C. Dienemann
34. Superior Vena Cava Resection / Lorenzo Spaggiari and Domenico Galetta
35. Resection of Malignant Mediastinal Germ Cell Tumors / Kenneth A. Kesler
Part VI. Pleura
36. Benign and Malignant Pleural Effusions / Thomas Schneider
37. Pleural Empyema / Michael Klopp
38. Boerhaave's Syndrome / Gereon Gäbelein, Christoph Benckert, Uwe Eichfeld, and Sven Jonas
39. Pneumothorax / Tomasz Grodzki
40. Pleurectomy and Decortication for Mesothelioma / Raja M. Flores
41. Chylothorax / Heike Zabeck
Part VII. Chest Wall
42. Chest Wall Resection and Repair / Joachim Pfannschmidt
43. Resection of Sternal Tumors / K. Robert Shen
44. Thoracoplasty / Ludwig Lampl
45. Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum / Ronald F. Lützenberg
46. Superior Pulmonary Sulcus (Pancoast) Tumors / Rudolf A. Hatz
Part VIII. Diaphragm
47. Diaphragm Plication and Repair / Carsten N. Gutt and Robert Grabensee
Part IX. Lung Transplantation
48. Lung Transplantation / Jose Ramon Matilla Siguenza, Clemens Aigner, and Walter Klepetko
Part X. Postoperative Complications
49. Postoperative Complications / Heike Zabeck
50. Sternal Infection / Ina C. Ennker and Jürgen C. Ennker.