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  • Book
    Gerald F. Kominski, editor.
    Changing the U.S. health care system: the patient protection and affordable care act
    Improving access to care in America
    Ethnic disparities in health status
    Racial and ethnic disparities in health care
    Multilevel social determinants of health
    Public policies to extend health care coverage
    Private health insurance
    Measuring health care costs and trends
    Containing health care costs
    Promoting pharmaceutical access while controlling prices and expenditures
    Measuring health-related quality of life and other outcomes
    Evaluating the quality of care
    Public release of information on quality
    Health care information systems
    Performance measurement of nursing care
    Long-term services and supports for the elderly population
    Hiv and aids in the twenty-first century
    Health reform for children and families
    Homeless persons
    Changing the US health care delivery system
    Medicare reform
    Public health and clinical care
    Strengthening the safety net
    Ethical issues in public health and health services.
    Digital Access R2Library 2014
    Limited to 1 simultaneous user