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  • Book
    edited by Emma Ciafaloni, Patrick F. Chinnery, Robert C. Griggs.
    Structure and function of normal muscle / Robert C. Griggs
    Evaluation of the patient with myopathy / Robert C. Griggs, Emma Ciafaloni
    Genetic evaluation of the patient and family / Gerald Pfeffer, Patrick F. Chinnery
    The muscular dystrophies / Emma Ciafaloni, Robert C. Griggs
    Myofibrillar myopathies / Duygu Selcen
    Congenital myopathies / Francesco Muntoni, Caroline Sewry, Heinz Jungbluth
    Metabolic myopathies / Gráinne S. Gorman, Patrick F. Chinnery
    Mitochondrial myopathy / Gerald Pfeffer, Patrick F. Chinnery
    Muscle channelopathies / Araya Puwanant, Robert C. Griggs
    Inflammatory myopathies / Anthony A. Amato, Andrew Mammen
    Myopathies of systemic disease and toxic myopathies
    Muscle pain and fatigue / Michael R. Rose, Dr. Patrick Gordon
    Prevention and management of systemic complications of myopathies / Wendy M. King, Robert C. Griggs.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    RC925 .G75 2014