BookRudi A.J.O. Dierckx, Andreas Otte, Erik F.J. de Vries, Aren van Waarde, editors ; Paul G.M. Luiten, guest editor.
Summary: PET and SPECT of Neurobiological Systems combines the expertise of renowned authors whose dedication to the development of novel probes and techniques for the investigation of neurobiological systems has achieved international recognition. Various aspects of neurotransmission in the brain are discussed, such as visualization and quantification of (more than 20 different) neuroreceptors, neuroinflammatory markers, transporters, and enzymes as well as neurotransmitter synthesis, -amyloid deposition, cerebral blood flow, and the metabolic rate of glucose. The latest results in probe development are also detailed. Most chapters are written jointly by radiochemists and nuclear medicine specialists to ensure a multidisciplinary approach. This state of the art compendium will be valuable to anyone in the field of clinical or preclinical neuroscience, from the radiochemist and radiologist/nuclear medicine specialist to the interested neurobiologist and general practitioner. It is the second volume of a trilogy on PET and SPECT imaging in the neurosciences. Other volumes focus on PET and SPECT in psychiatry and PET and SPECT in "neurology".
BASICS: Animal Models for Brain Research
Cerebral Glucose Metabolism
Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements with Oxygen-15 Water PET
Principles of Brain Perfusion SPECT
The Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms on Neuroreceptor Imaging
SYSTEMS: Imaging of Adenosine Receptors
PET Tracers for Beta-Amyloid and Other Proteinopathies
Imaging of Central Benzodiazepine Receptors in Chronic Cerebral Ischemia
PET and SPECT Imaging of the Central Dopamine System in Humans
PET Imaging of Endocannabinoid System
Imaging Type 1 Glycine Transporters in the Central Nervous System Using PET
Imaging Histamine Receptors Using PET and SPECT
PET and SPECT Imaging of Brain Steroid Hormone Receptors
Current Radioligands for the PET Imaging of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors
PET Imaging of Muscarinic Receptors
Preclinical Aspects of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Imaging
Development of Radioligands for In Vivo Imaging of NMDA Receptors
Progress in PET Imaging of the Norepinephrine Transporter System
PET Imaging of Opioid Receptors
PET Imaging of ABC Transporters in the Blood-Brain Barrier
PET Imaging of Translocator Protein Expression in Neurological Disorders
Imaging of the Serotonin System: Radiotracers and Applications in Memory Disorders
Serotonin Synthesis Studied with PET
Monoamine Oxidase A and Serotonin Transporter Imaging with PET
PET Imaging of Sigma-1 Receptors
Radioligands for Imaging Vesicular Monoamine Transporters.