BookEduardo M. Da Cruz, Dunbar Ivy, James Jaggers, editors.
Summary: Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care provides a consistent and comprehensive approach to multiple congenital and acquired cardiac pathologies pre, peri and postoperatively, with the use of algorhythms, guidelines and current research issues. Included with this book are interactive videos with the most common interventions, online access to practical learning activities, and to the comprehensive Aristotle score and database. This reference work satisfies the need for a universal and practical review of management of critically ill children and adults with congenital heart disease, based upon taskforce decisions and the cumulative experience of the world leaders in the field.
General aspects
Fetal cardiology
Assessment of the cardiac patient
Preventive cardiology
Cardiovascular anesthesia
Cardio-pulmonary bypass
Monitoring of the cardiac patient
Cardiopulmonary and intracardiac interactions
Cardiovascular pharmacology
General principles of interventional cardiac catheterization
Innovative interventional techniques
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Nursing issues related to the cardiac patient
Congenital cardiovascular diseases in pediatrics
Cardiovascular dysfunction in infants, children and adolescents
Pulmonary hypertension
Systemic vasculopathies
Acquired cardiac diseases
The adult with congenital cardiac defects
Extracorporeal life support (ecls) of the cardiac patient
Heart and lung transplant
Arrhythmias and conductive disorders
Upper airway and tracheal pathology
Extra-cardiac issues and complications
Outcomes, long term follow-up and cardiac recovery
Leadership issues of a pediatric heart center