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    American College of Cardiology.
    Summary: "CardioSource Plus is a facility-wide subscription to CardioSource, the premier cardiovascular online portal providing immediate and convenient access to cutting-edge cardiovascular information PLUS unlimited access to ACC's full complement of online educational programs"--Website. CardioSource Plus includes a clinical trials database, clinical images, self-assessment materials, ACC clinical guidelines and Heart Sounds audio files. Users must register for some content and several premium services require an additional fee. To access CardioSource Plus products after login use the search box or navigate to Education and Meetings, then Products and Resources.
    Digital Access Ovid Database
    If you don't have VPN, first download: Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from; 1. Run the Stanford Univ. VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel); 2. Go to:; 3. Click on the “Create Free Account” link; 4. Follow the prompts to create a new, free account, completing all fields; 5. When the account is created, you will land at the CardioSource Plus landing page; 6. Your CardioSource Plus account is now tied to the Stanford institutional subscriptionFirst time users must create a free account. To Create a free account for CardioSource Plus, make sure you log onto the Stanford University VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel)--(Change to the Full Traffic setting during login onto the VPN)
  • Database
    American College of Cardiology.
    Summary: "CardioSource Plus is a facility-wide subscription to CardioSource, the premier cardiovascular online portal providing immediate and convenient access to cutting-edge cardiovascular information PLUS unlimited access to ACC's full complement of online educational programs"--Website. CardioSource Plus includes a clinical trials database, clinical images, self-assessment materials, ACC clinical guidelines and Heart Sounds audio files. Users must register for some content and several premium services require an additional fee. To access CardioSource Plus products after login use the search box or navigate to Education and Meetings, then Products and Resources.
    Digital Access Ovid Database
    If you don't have VPN, first download: Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from; 1. Run the Stanford Univ. VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel); 2. Go to:; 3. Click on the “Create Free Account” link; 4. Follow the prompts to create a new, free account, completing all fields; 5. When the account is created, you will land at the CardioSource Plus landing page; 6. Your CardioSource Plus account is now tied to the Stanford institutional subscriptionFirst time users must create a free account. To Create a free account for CardioSource Plus, make sure you log onto the Stanford University VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel)--(Change to the Full Traffic setting during login onto the VPN)
  • Database
    American College of Cardiology.
    Summary: "CardioSource Plus is a facility-wide subscription to CardioSource, the premier cardiovascular online portal providing immediate and convenient access to cutting-edge cardiovascular information PLUS unlimited access to ACC's full complement of online educational programs"--Website. CardioSource Plus includes a clinical trials database, clinical images, self-assessment materials, ACC clinical guidelines and Heart Sounds audio files. Users must register for some content and several premium services require an additional fee. To access CardioSource Plus products after login use the search box or navigate to Education and Meetings, then Products and Resources.
    Digital Access Ovid Database
    If you don't have VPN, first download: Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from; 1. Run the Stanford Univ. VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel); 2. Go to:; 3. Click on the “Create Free Account” link; 4. Follow the prompts to create a new, free account, completing all fields; 5. When the account is created, you will land at the CardioSource Plus landing page; 6. Your CardioSource Plus account is now tied to the Stanford institutional subscriptionFirst time users must create a free account. To Create a free account for CardioSource Plus, make sure you log onto the Stanford University VPN-Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel)--(Change to the Full Traffic setting during login onto the VPN)
  • Article
    Onisi M.
    Int Dent J. 1979 Dec;29(4):311-5.
    Historically the development of the Japanese dental care delivery system necessitated the enaction of the Dental Laboratory Technique Law. The Health Insurance Scheme, at present, is not able to operate without the collaboration of dental laboratory technicians. This means that the dental technician may introduce a possible competitive inter-relationship with the dentist who relies on prosthetic dentistry as the major source of his income. It does not mean illegal practice by dental technicians which has so far been negligible. The occupation of the dental technician, therefore, would seem to be very stable. Results obtained during the International Collaborative Study of the Dental Manpower Systems, however, showed some psychological conflict amongst the responding dental technicians.
    Digital Access Access Options