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  • Book
    edited by Cheryl T. Lee and David P. Wood.
    Digital Access Springer 2010
  • Article
    Saglio G, Ricco G, Mazza U, Camaschella C, Pich PG, Gianni AM, Gianazza E, Righetti PG, Giglioni B, Comi P, Gusmeroli M, Ottolenghi S.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Jul;76(7):3420-4.
    Isoelectric focusing, cellulose acetate electrophoresis, and carboxymethylcellulose chromatography in the presence of Nonidet P-40 allow the separation of pure gamma chains into two fractions. Amino acid analysis of their cyanogen bromide fragment 3 (gamma CB3) identifies these fractions as the separated G gamma (Gly-136) and A gamma (Ala-136) globin chains. Fingerprint and amino acid analyses of the gamma Tp9 tryptic peptide from the purified A gamma and G gamma fractions from two different patients demonstrate that the commonly occurring gamma Sardinia variant (gamma 75 isoleucine leads to threonine), also known as T gamma chain, has alanine in position 136. From this analysis we suggest that the T gamma gene is an allele of the A gamma locus (A gamma Sardinia) rather than a third gamma locus.
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