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- Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova1
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- ArticleLoĭko EA, Gurvich VB.Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1978;78(5):693-7.The indices of acid-alkaline blood balance was studied in the dynamics of dosed hungering in 29 patients with sluggish schizophrenia and 16 patients with residual signs oforganic lesions of the CNS. There were differences in the pH index, standard and buffer bicarbonates alkaline deficiency which indicated to different degrees of acidosis in this group of patients. Significant differences in the acid-alkaline indices during hunger were seen in the different groups of patients depending upon the existence or absence of hypothalamic disorders (without consideration of their nosological affinity). The existence of hypothalamic disorders requires a more careful consideration when prescribing hunger therapy (the first session should not exceed 10-14 days).