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    Palmer, Edward Henry; Ḥāfiẓ; Ikbal al-Daulah; Ruheem, Buzloor; ʻAli Khan, Mirza Imam; Sayyid ʻAbdullāh; Bicknell, Herman; Day, A. S.; Muh̥sin, M. K.; Thomas, Edward; Wajid ʻAli Shah; Moore, Thomas.
    Summary: A miscellaneous collection of over 35 items, comprising brief manuscripts, letters, clippings, and calligraphy, etc. collected by E.H. Palmer, apparently while he was in India.

    [1] "Letter from Mir Syed Allie Hussain to Mrs. Abdoollah (containing a Mussulman legend of our Lord)" [missing; cut?]
    [2] Urdu manuscript (1 leaf, includes date 1863)
    [3] "Poem. Translation of Syed Abdoollah's own Persian Ghazal, by himself. To the Editor of the Morning Chronicle ... [signed] Syed Abdoollah, Late Oriental Professor in England. Jas. R. Rodgers, Printer, Star Press." [Calcutta] on light blue paper with oval blind stamp "S. Baurie Fils, Bordeaux" surrounding 3-masted ship
    [4] "Ode of 'Háfiz' written by Mir Aulád Allie" [Persian, undated]
    [5a] "Assassination of Lord Mayo, Governor-General of India, at the Andaman Islands, on the 8th of February, 1872" / Syed Abdoollah [clipping; poem in English]
    [5b] "Lines on the Thanksgiving Day, 27th February, 1872" / Syed Abdoollah [clipping; poem in English]
    [6] "A charm written in African Arabic taken from the neck of a soldier (given me by A.S. Day Esq.)"
    [7] "Letter from H.R.H. Nawáb Ikbál ud dowlah to E.H.P" [1 leaf, Urdu, undated, signed Iqbāl al-Dawlah, Landan (London)]
    [8] Letter "From H.R.H. Nawáb Ikbál ud dowlah to E.H.P." [1 leaf, Urdu, undated, unsigned, Landan (London)]
    [9] Document in Urdu?, dated 1829
    [10] Five samples of Arabic calligraphy, one specimen in verse with "EHP" in blue and gold
    [11] "Translation from Moor's "Paradise and the Peri" by E.H. Palmer," translator [newspaper clipping (4 pieces) from Le Birgys, Paris, 21 June, 1865, no. 156, Arabic, signed Idward Hinrī Pālmir]
    [12] Handwritten document with red embossed wreath surrounding initials "M Muḥsin K", dated 1869]
    [13] "Letter from Moonshee Buzloor Raheem, Calcutta" [2 leaves (blue paper); Urdu, dated 1866]
    [14] Handwritten document with blue embossed wreath surrounding "al-Ali"; Urdu, undated.
    [15] Devanagari leaflet with footer "Printed for Babu Haris Chandra, at the Medical Hall Press, Benares" has text in red, black, gold, and blue with gold floral border
    [16] "Petition presented to the King of Oude" [folded leaf, 36 x 23 cm.; handwritten Urdu]
    [17] Manuscript document (1 folded leaf) bearing 16 gold diamonds and 2 ink stamps, one round with "Mirza Imam Ali Khan Bahadoor Nawab Moeenoodowlah" on outer border, "Nawab Shujaooddowla Bahadoor Zavernageeraya Murhoom" on inner border, and Arabic in the center. The second stamp is oval, in Arabic only with date 1230 [C.E. 1814?]. Document dated 1283/1866
    [18] "Masnavi mukhtaṣar der madḥ Blakvel Dākter, A Bino-rhyme to Dr. Blackwell" translated by Herman Bicknell, Dec. 1867 [1 folded leaf (43 x 27 cm), a poem with alternating Arabic and English lines which ends "Mír Alí's greetings to Miss Blackwell bear!"
    [19] "Translation of the Encyclical issued by the Pan-Anglican Synod, 1868 A.D., E.H.P." [2 leaf, Arabic, warning Anglicans of Catholic teachings regarding the veneration of Mary]
    [20] Print vignette of ruins with overlaid text "Āl-Sām" (banner representing vocalization with text "The ? of Sham") and caption in Arabic; manuscript clipping in addressed to Mr. Palmer in Urdu; white embossed wreath with "M Muh̥sin K"
    [21] Three specimens of Arabic calligraphy, one appears to be E.H. Palmer's practicing his signature in Arabic script in a Tughra-like style.
    [22] Untitled, unsigned poem in Arabic with "Kitāb Nizām al-Dawlah Fuʾād Bik" in margin (1 folded leaf)
    [23] Specimen of calligraphy in Tughra style
    [24] Untitled poem in Urdu by Sayyid ʻAbd Allah Ṣāḥib Bahadūr Salāmat, dated 1869, with ornate border in gold including domes and minarets
    [25] Newspaper clippings (11 p.), dated Aug. 22, 1871, Dec. 22, Feb. 27, and May 21, 1872, from Urdu akhbár and Oude akhbár. Includes letter to the paper written by E.H. Palmer, dated May 21, 1872. One clipping comprises elegies on Lord Mayo and Justice Norman, both murdered, by E.H.P.
    [26] Two certificates in Persian with fancy borders, one in pewter and orange, dated 1873
    [27] Specimen of Arabic calligraphy
    [28] Printed legal document in Persian, dated June 1873, Idvard ār Mawil(?) Mir; Wilsten(?) Nāker Tūn Klārk
    [29] Samples of Persian print fonts (1 leaf; double pica, great primer, English, pica, and long primer)
    [30] Handwritten notes (1 leaf) in Arabic, undated, with ornate border in gold and blue
    [31] Unidentified manuscript in Devanagari(?) (1 leaf)
    [32] Print clipping in Persian, undated
    [33] Manuscript legal document (1 folded leaf) with large oval "Stamp Office, V R [Victoria Regina], eight rupees, no. 43" design in Urdu and English, with signatures and stamp "The Seal of the Deputy Registrar of Muzafferpore[?]". Text in various hands in red and black ink in Urdu and unidentified language with affidavit of Charles MacDonald, of Dowlatpur [Daulatpur], in English, dated Mar. 15, 1871.
    [34] Handwritten letter (1 folded leaf) from Edward Thomas, F.R.S., at 47 Victoria Road, Kensington W., dated 14 Oct 83 [1883], apparently to the executors of E.H.P.'s estate (Mssrs. Allen & Co.?) concerning the recovery of literary property
    [35] Four specimens of Arabic calligraphy.