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  • Book
    Jonathan D. Moreno.
    Is there an ethicist in the house?
    Call me doctor? Confessions of a hospital philosopher
    Arguing euthanasia
    Bioethics is a naturalism
    Ethics consultation as moral engagement
    Ethics by committee: the moral authority of consensus
    Goodbye to all that: the end of moderate protectionism in human subjects research
    Convenient and captive populations
    Regulation of research in the decisionally impaired
    "The only feasible means": the Pentagon's ambivalent relationship with the Nuremberg code
    Reassessing the influence of the Nuremberg code on American medical ethics
    Cancer, truth, and genetics
    Neuroethics: an agenda for neuroscience and society
    Bioethics after the terror
    Another impossible profession.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    R724 .M833 2005