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    Michael V. McConnell, MD, MSEE.
    Summary: "This work reframes the narrative of heart disease through stories of patients and the author's own family history"-- Provided by publisher

    Straight talk: Heart disease is like cancer, only worse: Blunt language; A tragic missed opportunity on my watch; Granddaughter's wishes
    How did we get here?: The twin pandemics of heart disease and cancer; The rise and fall and rise of heart disease; Framingham, the start of our understanding of heart disease; How did we get to this point, will all that we know?
    Learning from cancer in my family and myself: My early career misconceptions; Cancer gets personal; More cancer strikes
    Understanding your heart and its vulnerability: An ever-beating pump; My introduction to the heart; Starting my imaging career; Understanding our heart's Achilles Heel; MRI and the tenth of an inch problem
    How can "tumors" cause heart attacks?: "Tumors" in the heart; Narrowed pipes are not the full story; Silent growth, like cancer; "Malignant" plaques; Imaging under the "tip of the iceberg"
    Beyond "tumors" in the heart: Women get heart disease too, in more than one way; Extra heart muscle in the wrong place; Preventing strokes ("brain attacks"); Quivering heart; Failing heart; Bulging vessels
    Cancer and heart disease intertwined: Shared risk factors; Intertwined biology and therapy; Imaging plaque "biology"; Imaging heart disease like an oncologist
    Prevention over imaging: Health happens every day; Health and research go mobile; Reengineering health care; Turning heart disease benign
    Prevent like it's cancer: Move more; Eat healthy; Flatten the weight curve; Quit cigs and vaping; Sleep and the 24-hour cycle; Drink less; Be well; Why bother? Isn't it all in our genes?; Key takeaways: prevention
    Screen like it's cancer: How to do a heart "self-exam"; Know your numbers: The big three; Is there a mammogram for heart disease?; What about the executive stress test?; Seeing heart disease from cancer screening?; Eyes as a window to heart disease; Key takeaways: Screening
    Treat it like it's cancer: Uplevel care; Reverse the biology: Cholesterol; Revers the biology: Glucose; Reverse the biology: Inflammation; Unlocking our immune system; Starving plaques?; Editing our genes; What about aspirin?' What about those blockages?; Key takeaways: Treatment
    Treating cancer and heart disease can overlap: "Cardio-oncology"; How cancer therapies can impact the heart and vice-versa; What cancer therapy can learn from heart disease; Don't forget heart disease prevention in cancer patients!
    Digital health and AI to the rescue?: Self-driving health?; Digital health for prevention, screening, and care; Consumer devices filled with sensors; Care management and digital therapeutics; What is "artificial" intelligence and how can it help?
    The bigger picture: Going beyond individual effort: From personalized health to public health; Our food is killing us; Equitable access to healthy choices; Health equity: Zip codes, COVID-196, and a "new" Framington; Crashing planes; Screen every man over 50 and woman over 60; Universal familial hypercholesterolemia and BRCA screening; Combined prevention of heart disease and cancer
    My next (work) chapter
    My next (life) chapter
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    RC682 .M36 2024