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  • Book
    editor, Michael S. Rafii.
    Summary: "First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship is a high yield, clinically relevant resource covering all important topics and principles needed to succeed in the neurology clerkship and shelf examination. The content organization is mirrored directly after standard clerkship objectives and the Neurology shelf exam blueprint. It focuses on clinical scenarios and provide details to help the reader understand the disease process and how to differentiate the process from other disorders. The pharmacology content focuses on medications specifically targeting neurologic diagnoses, as well as recreational or street drugs. Overall, it gives students a high yield content foundation for everything they will be expected to know"-- Provided by publisher.

    Introduction to the neurology clerkship
    Neurological history and examination
    Cerebrovascular diseases
    Neuroinfectious diseases
    Delirium and dementia
    Demyelinating disorders
    Movement disorders
    Neuromuscular disorders
    Epilepsy and seizure disorders
    Headache disorders
    Neuroplastic disorders
    Embryology and congenital disorders
    Sleep disorders.
    Digital Access AccessNeurology [2023]