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  • Book
    editor, Charlie Goldberg.
    Summary: "The focus of this book is to describe foundational skills needed in order to provide clinical care"-- Provided by publisher.

    History taking / Charlie Goldberg
    Review of systems (ROS) / Charlie Goldberg
    Vital signs / Charlie Goldberg
    Head and neck exam / Charles Coffey
    Eye exam / Jeffrey Lee and Charlie Goldberg
    Cardiovascular exam / Charlie Goldberg
    Pulmonary exam / Rebecca Sell
    Abdominal exam / Charlie Goldberg
    Male genital and rectal exams / Charlie Goldberg
    Breast exam / Simerjot Jassal
    Gynecologic and obstetric pelvic exam / Julia Cormano
    Neurological exam / Sean Evans
    Mental status exam (MSE) / Savita Bhakta and Jessica Bailis
    Knee exam / Michal Kalli Hose
    Shoulder exam / Anna Quan
    Dermatologic exam / Stacy Charat and Jeremy Schneider
    Geriatrics exam / Roopali Gupta and Jean Guan
    LGBTQ+ healthcare / Jill Blumenthal
    Newborn (birth to 1 month) and infant (1 to 12 months) exams / Michelle Leff
    Toddler and early childhood exams / Vanessa P. Scott
    Adolescent exam / Maya Michelle Kumar
    Medical documentation / Emily Sladek
    Oral case presentations / Meghan Sebasky and Brian Kwan
    Telehealth / Leonie Heyworth
    Thoughts for the road / Charlie Goldberg.
    Digital Access AccessMedicine [2024]