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  • Article
    Iftikhar T, Iftikhar N, Chi G, Qiu W, Xie Y, Liang Z, Huang C, Su L.
    Talanta. 2024 Jan 15;267:125146.
    The central nervous system relies heavily on neurotransmitters (NTMs), and NTM imbalances have been linked to a wide range of neurological conditions. Thus, the development of reliable detection techniques is essential for advancing brain studies. This review offers a comprehensive analysis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), transition metal oxides (TMOs), and MOFs-derived TMOs (MOFs/TMOs) as materials for electrochemical (EC) sensors targeting the detection of key NTMs, specifically dopamine (DA), epinephrine (EP), and serotonin (SR). The unique properties and diverse families of MOFs and TMOs, along with their nanostructured hybrids, are discussed in the context of EC sensing. The review also addresses the challenges in detecting NTMs and proposes a systematic approach to tackle these obstacles. Despite the vast amount of research on MOFs and TMOs-based EC sensors for DA detection, the review highlights the gaps in the literature for MOFs/TMOs-based EC sensors specifically for EP and SR detection, as well as the limited research on microneedles (MNs)-based EC sensors modified with MOFs, TMOs, and MOFs/TMOs for NTMs detection. This review serves as a foundation to encourage researchers to further explore the potential applications of MOFs, TMOs, and MOFs/TMOs-based EC sensors in the context of neurological disorders and other health conditions related to NTMs imbalances.
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    Yu YC, Alamri A, Francisco H, Cho SC, Hirsch S.
    Int J Dent. 2015;2015:125146.
    The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a difference in the perception of aesthetics, by dental specialty, using computer assisted asymmetric alteration of the papilla length in the aesthetic zone with an apical alteration of the contact point of the clinical crowns. Standardized photographs were presented to sixty-five randomly selected dentists from New York University College of Dentistry on a computer screen for evaluation. Then, the dental professionals were asked to rate the smile in each picture. Control and experiment photographs were used. Data was analyzed using the statistical package SPSS version 21 and one-way ANOVA. The perception of esthetics depends on the dental professional specialty; results provide evidence that asymmetric deficiency in papilla length of 2 mm or more is perceived as "unattractive" by the dental specialists.
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    Wang Y, Zhang G, Wang H, Cheng Y, Liu H, Jiang Z, Li P, Wang Y.
    J Hazard Mater. 2021 06 05;411:125146.
    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) play key roles in the biotransformation of arsenic in groundwater systems. However, the effects of different types of DOM on arsenic biogeochemistry remain poorly understood. In this study, four typical DOM compounds (acetate, lactate, AQS and humic acid) were amended to high As aquifer sediments to investigate their effects on arsenic/iron biotransformation and microbial community response. Results demonstrated that different DOM drove different microbial community shifts and then enhanced microbially-mediated arsenic release and iron reduction. With labile DOM (acetate and lactate) amendment, the abundance of putative dissimilatory iron and sulfate reducers Desulfomicrobium and Clostridium sensu stricto increased within the first week, and subsequently the anaerobic fermentative bacterial genus Acetobacterium and arsenate/sulfate-reducing bacterial genus Fusibacter became predominant. In contrast, recalcitrant DOM (AQS and humic acid) mainly stimulated the abundances of sulfur compounds respiratory genus Desulfomicrobium and fermentative bacterial genus Alkalibacter in the whole incubation. Accompanied with the microbial community structure and function shifts, dissolved organic carbon concentration and oxidation-reduction potential changed and the arsenic/iron reduction increased, which resulted in the enhanced arsenic mobilization. Collectively, the present study linked DOM type to microbial community structure and explored the potential roles of different DOM on arsenic biotransformation in aquifers.
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    Hu S, Zhao M, Mao Q, Fang C, Chen D, Yan P.
    Food Chem. 2019 Nov 30;299:125146.
    Matrix effects in complex tea matrices remains a great challenge to rapid quantitative analysis of multi-residue pesticides by analysis of mass spectrometry. Herein, a mixed-mode polymer cationic exchange based dispersive solid-phase extraction (DSPE) procedure was established to eliminate matrix effects of tea for a rapid target alkaline multi-residue pesticides analysis. One-step DSPE procedure can eliminate matrix interferences from the tea extract without additional dilution or tedious cleanup operations. Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry using pre-column dilution injection mode was used as the detection technique, while eliminating solvent effects of target analytes and improving the detection sensitivity. Based on this effective analytical method, the results of absolute matrix effects were within 0.77-1.08 for quantitation of the 68 alkaline pesticides, and superior relative matrix effects were also achieved with RSD values below 9.8%. Finally, this method was validated and applied to the alkaline pesticides analysis of the 123 tea samples.
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    Refaat H, Ahmad A, Kamel E, Gurvich VJ, Rathore AS, Suryanarayanan R, Nejadnik R.
    Int J Pharm. 2025 Feb 10;670:125146.
    Buffer exchange is a critical step in biologics development, playing a pivotal role in removing contaminants, adjusting sample conditions, and facilitating compatibility studies. The efficiency of centrifugal concentrators for polysorbate removal was compared to a two-step approach involving a surfactant removal column followed by buffer exchange. Trastuzumab-pkrb from Herzuma® was used. While a 30 kDa centrifugal concentrator was ineffective in polysorbate removal, a 50 kDa concentrator caused partial removal. Surfactant removal column proved more effective in removing polysorbates. Buffer exchange using polysorbate-containing formulation buffer, even with a 50 kDa concentrator, accumulated polysorbate, revealing the need for a different approach in small-scale formulation. Adding polysorbate in a separate step after buffer exchange appeared to be a good strategy to prevent this problem. The two approaches did not reveal any differences in the protein aggregation behavior.
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    Chaitanoo N, Aggarangsi P, Nitayavardhana S.
    Bioresour Technol. 2021 Jul;332:125146.
    Fungus, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, was used for the pretreatment of broiler farm derived-lignocellulosic bedding material (rice husk) to enhance the subsequent solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD). Fungal pretreatment efficacy was evaluated through a series of batch studies with respect to carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio and pretreatment time. Lignocellulosic outer layer structure disruption of the rice husk was prominent under the best fungal pretreatment condition evaluated (C/N ratio of 18.9 and pretreatment time of 7 days). Consequently, the resulting methane yield of 438.1 ± 20.0 NmL/gVSadded was obtained which was ~2.0-folds higher than that of the control (without pretreatment). Furthermore, in semi-continuous SS-AD, fungal pretreatment could significantly enhance digestibility of organic substance in high solid loading (30% total solids) AD process by 3.2-folds and improve microbial kinetic parameters with subsequent daily methane yield improvement by 2.4-folds. Thus, fungal pretreatment could be an environmentally-friendly and effective low-cost approach for broiler farm-derived waste management to enhance SS-AD efficacy.
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    Appolinário PP, Medinas DB, Chaves-Filho AB, Genaro-Mattos TC, Cussiol JR, Netto LE, Augusto O, Miyamoto S.
    PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0125146.
    Docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3, DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid highly enriched in the brain. This fatty acid can be easily oxidized yielding hydroperoxides as primary products. Cu, Zn-Superoxide dismutase (SOD1) aggregation is a common hallmark of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and the molecular mechanisms behind their formation are not completely understood. Here we investigated the effect of DHA and its hydroperoxides (DHAOOH) on human SOD1 oligomerization in vitro. DHA induced the formation of high-molecular-weight (HMW) SOD1 species (>700 kDa). Aggregation was dependent on free thiols and occurred primarily with the protein in its apo-form. SOD1 incubation with DHA was accompanied by changes in protein structure leading to exposure of protein hydrophobic patches and formation of non-amyloid aggregates. Site-directed mutagenesis studies demonstrated that Cys 6 and Cys 111 in wild-type and Cys 6 in ALS-linked G93A mutant are required for aggregation. In contrast, DHAOOH did not induce HMW species formation but promoted abnormal covalent dimerization of apo-SOD1 that was resistant to SDS and thiol reductants. Overall, our data demonstrate that DHA and DHAOOH induce distinct types of apo-SOD1 oligomerization leading to the formation of HMW and low-molecular-weight species, respectively.
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  • Article
    Parolini M, De Felice B, Gazzotti S, Roncoli M, Conterosito E, Ferretti M, Ortenzi MA, Gianotti V.
    Environ Pollut. 2024 Dec 15;363(Pt 1):125146.
    The implementation of advanced recycling techniques represents a key strategy for mitigating the mismanagement and the environmental impact of plastic waste. A limited array of plastic polymers can be efficiently recycled, while a notable portion of plastic waste remains unrecyclable. In Italy, this residual, heterogeneous fraction is referred to as Plasmix. Because of its complexity and non-homogeneous composition, Plasmix is primarily directed towards low-value applications. However, recent developments in laboratory-scale mechanical recycling have enabled the creation of new plastic materials from Plasmix. Prior to their application, these materials must undergo rigorous eco-safety evaluation. The present study aims to assess the potential toxicity of microplastics (MPs) from Plasmix-based materials on the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. Specifically, this study investigated sub-individual and individual effects induced by a 21-day exposure to different concentrations of MPs generated from the grinding of naïve and Additivated Plasmix-based materials (hereafter referred to as Px-MPs and APx-MPs, respectively). Sub-individual endpoints focused on changes in oxidative status, including the modulation of antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme activities, as well as oxidative damage, such as lipid peroxidation. Individual level endpoints included alterations in survival and reproduction. Microscopy analyses confirmed the ingestion of both Px-MPs and APx-MPs by D. magna individuals. An oxidative stress condition raised in organisms exposed to Px-MPs, whereas no effect was observed in individuals exposed to APx-MPs. Although survival was not affected, a significant impairment in reproductive output was detected at the end of exposure to all the concentrations of both MP types. These findings suggest that even low concentrations of Px-MPs and APx-MPs could negatively affect the health status of D. magna, underscoring the need for further research to complete the risk assessment of Plasmix-based materials prior to their use in consumer products.
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    Choudhary R, Singh KS, Bisht S, Kumar S, Mohanty AK, Grover S, Kaushik JK.
    Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Jul 31;244:125146.
    Probiotic surface layer proteins (Slps) have multiple functions and bacterial adhesion to host cells is one of them. The precise role of Slps in cellular adhesion is not well understood due to its low native protein yield and self-aggregative nature. Here, we report the recombinant expression and purification of biologically active Slp of Lactobacillus helveticus NCDC 288 (SlpH) in high yield. SlpH is a highly basic protein (pI = 9.4), having a molecular weight of 45 kDa. Circular Dichroism showed a prevalence of beta-strands in SlpH structure and resistance to low pH. SlpH showed binding to human intestinal tissue, enteric Caco-2 cell line, and porcine gastric mucin, but not with fibronectin, collagen type IV and laminin. SlpH inhibited the binding of the enterotoxigenic E. coli by 70 % and 76 % and that of Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344 by 71 % and 75 % to enteric Caco-2 cell line in the exclusion and competition assays, respectively. The pathogen exclusion and competition activity and tolerance to harsh gastrointestinal conditions show the potential for developing SlpH as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent against enteric pathogens.
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  • Article
    Maidur SR, Ekbote AN, Patil PS, Katturi NK, Venugopal Rao S, Wong QA, Quah CK.
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2025 Jan 15;325:125146.
    We report on the structural, thermal, linear, and ultrafast third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of two novel anthracene chalcones: (2E)-1-(anthracen-9-yl)-3-(5-methylthiophen-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (5ML2SANC) and (2E)-1-(9-anthryl)-3-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (245TMANC). The chalcones were synthesized by Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction, and the single crystals were grown by the solvent evaporation method. The molecular structure was confirmed by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy, while the crystal structure was determined using the single crystal XRD. Both crystals belong to centrosymmetric monoclinic crystal system with space group P21/n. The Hirshfeld surface was analyzed to understand intermolecular interactions, and the band structures - including HOMO-LUMO levels, excited state energies, GCRDs and MEPs-were studied using DFT. The ultrafast third-order NLO properties were investigated by Z-scan and degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) techniques using Ti: Sapphire amplifier laser delivering ∼50 fs pulses at 800 nm (1 kHz, ∼4 mJ, 2 W). Two-photon absorption, positive nonlinear refraction, optical limiting and optical switching behaviors were observed by Z-scan measurements. The time-resolved DFWM show that the decay time of 5ML2SANC is ∼127 fs, while for 245TMANC it is ∼142 fs. The second hyperpolarizability (γ) measured by Z-scan, DFWM and the estimations from the DFT theory are found to be in good agreement (∼10-34 esu). The ultrafast optical response, significant NLO properties and thermal stability of the synthesized chalcones demonstrate their potential suitability in optical limiting and switching applications.
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  • Book
    by Donald Waters
    Summary: "The launch of "the Alameda Plan" in Oakland, California, in 1945 is a momentous chapter in the history of modern medicine and a beautiful example of how collective action by the medical profession can make things better. Physician leaders in the Alameda County Medical Association (ACMA), which became the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association (ACCMA) when it merged with the Contra Costa Medical Society in 1950, were facing local and national public discontent over a war-induced physician shortage, disruptions in doctor-patient relations caused by the transition to more specialized multi-doctor care, notorious stories about a few bad doctors, and political rumblings for government regulation. With the organizational and visionary skills of their first fulltime Executive Secretary, they turned that public narrative on its head. The "Alameda Plan"--in practice and in name--became emblematic of physician compassion and innovation in newsrooms, board rooms, union halls, medical conventions, State Capitols, and the halls of Congress.... This book aims to capture the context, essence, and results of the forward-thinking programs launched by the ACMA-ACCMA from 1945 through 1955" -- back cover.
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    Books: History - LC Classification (Downstairs)
    RA410.53 .W38 2021