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  • Book
    by Donald Meichenbaum.
    Summary: The Evolution of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Personal and Professional Journey with Don Meichenbaum explores the "untold story" of how Cognitive Behavior Therapy emerged and discusses the controversies encountered along the way. This volume will feature a personal account of Don Meichenbaum's contributions from his initial work on self-instructional training with schizophrenics and impulsive children, through his work on stress inoculation training, and his most recent works with traumatized individuals. These previously published papers are complemented with updated papers and accompanying commentary

    At my mother's kitchen table : who are we, but the stories we tell?
    Changing conceptions of cognitive behavior modifications : retrospect and prospect
    Training schizophrenics to talk to themselves : aameans of developing attentional controls / Donald Meichenbaum and Roy Cameron
    Training impulsive children to talk to themselves : a means of developing self-control / Donald Meichenbaum and Joseph Goodman
    Teaching thinking : a cognitive behavioral perspective / Donald Meichenbaum
    The nature and nurture of the self-directed learner / Andrew Biemiller and Donald Meichenbaum
    Stress inoculation training : a preventative and treatment approach / Donald Meichenbaum
    Anger management / Donald Meichenbaum
    A cognitive behavioral approach to pain management / Dennis C. Turk and Donald Meichenbaum
    Resilience and posttraumatic growth : a constructive narrative perspective / Donald Meichenbaum
    Bolstering resilience : benefiting from lessons learned
    Core tasks of psychotherapy : what expert therapists do / Donald Meichenbaum
    The therapeutic relationship as a common factor : implications for trauma therapy
    Donald meichenbaum
    Years of working with suicidal patients : lessons learned / Donald Meichenbaum
    Every parents' worst nightmare
    Ways to improve political decision-making : negotiating errors to be avoided.
    Digital Access TandFonline 2017