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  • Book
    Joanne R. Duffy.
    Summary: "The intent of the book is to continue the focus on the significance of caring relationships in improving the safety and quality of health systems. Additionally, it is a call to health professionals, particularly nurses, to action. Safe, quality healthcare, meaningful work, and overall well-being are at stake. Through exploration of several theoretical concepts drawn from multiple sources, the Quality-Caring Model© is clarified. The important relationships with self, the community served, patients and families, and the healthcare team are illuminated and updated for current and future practice. Applying the model in clinical, educational, and leadership practice offers possibilities for advancing the value of the nation's health systems while providing the context for meaningful work. Finally, using the Quality-Caring Model© as a foundation for research may point to new evidence regarding the contribution of caring relationships to quality health outcomes"-- Provided by publisher.

    Quality, Caring, and Health Systems
    Professionalism in Health Systems
    Evolution of the Quality-Caring Model
    Humans in Relationship
    Relationship-Centered Professional Encounters
    Relational Capacity
    Feeling "Cared For"
    Practice Improvement
    Self-Advancing Systems
    Leading Quality Caring
    Learning Quality Caring
    The Value of Quality Caring.
    Digital Access R2Library [2024]