BookThoru Yamada, Elizabeth Meng.
Section 1: Evoked potentials. Principles of evoked potentials ; Visual evoked potentials ; Brainstem auditory evoked potentials and auditory evoked potentials ; Somastosensory evoked potentials
Section 2: Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring. The technologist's role in neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring ; Brain function monitoring for carotid endarterectomy and aortic arch surgery ; Spinal cord monitoring ; Intraoperative monitoring of the brainstem and cranial nerve function
Section 3: Long-term EEG monitoring. Diagnostic video-EEG monitoring for epilepsy and spells: indications, application, and interpretation ; Invasive video EEG monitoring in epilepsy surgery candidates: indications, technique, and interpretation ; Long-term bedside EEG monitoring for acutely ill patients (LTM/ccEEG)
Section 4: Sleep studies. Technology of polysomnography ; Sleep physiology and pathology ; Sleep apnea and related conditions ; Evaluating narcolepsy and related conditions ; Parasomnias ; Electrophysiological measurement and rules for sleep-related movement disorders
Section 5: Nerve conduction studies. Nerve conduction and electromyography studies.