BookDetlev Uhlenbrock ; with contributions by D. Brechtelsbauer [and others] ; translated by Grahame Larkin.
Summary: A translation from the German edition titled MRT der Wirbelsaule und des Spinalkanals, first edition, c2001. Offers a comprehensive overview of MR imaging of the spine and spinal cord for diagnosis of disease. Features more than 1,300 halftone images illustrating common and rare disorders.
Physics and its Application / K.-H. Trummler, P. Kreisler
Protons in a Magnetic Field
The Effects of Inhomogeneities
Various Image Contrasts
T1-Weighted Image
T2-Weighted Image
Further Preconditions for a T1- and T2-Weighted Image
Proton Density (PD)
Fundamental Scanning Sequences
Preliminary Comments on Two- and Three-dimensional Acquisition Methods
Gradient Echo Sequence
Spin Echo Sequence
Inversion-Recovery (IR) Sequence
Ultrafast Imaging
Turbospin Echo
Turbo Gradient Spin Echo
Echo Planar Imaging
Artifacts on MR Images
Metal-Induced Artifacts
Motion Artifacts
Truncation Artifacts
Susceptibility Artifacts
Chemical-Shift Artifacts
MRI and Spinal Surgery
Indications Based on the Spectrum of Surgical Therapeutic Options / R. Schultheiss
General Comments on Preoperative Diagnostics and Planning Strategy
Surgical Management of Spinal Diseases with Reference to MRI
Cervical Intervertebral Disk Prolapse
Lumbar Intervertebral Disk Prolapse/Degenerative Diseases of the Lumbar Spine
Recess Stenosis and Spinal Canal Stenosis
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (Post Diskectomy Syndrome)
Spinal Tumors
Intraspinal Tumors
Extramedullary Tumors
Intramedullary Tumors and Syringomyelia
Changes at the Craniocervical Junction
Inflammatory Changes
Traumatic Changes
Communication as a Problem of Diagnostics
Malformations of the Spinal Canal / D. Uhlenbrock, D. Brechtelsbauer
Embryogenesis and Maldevelopments
Development of the Central Nervous System
Development of the Meninges
Pathogenesis of Anomalies
Theories of the Pathogenesis of Myelomeningoceles and Arnold-Chiari Type II Malformation
Formation of the Vertebral Column
Theories of Pathogenesis of Closed Spinal Malformations
Dysraphic Malformations
Open Spinal Malformations
Closed Spinal Malformations
Non-dysraphic Malformations
Partial and Total Sacral Agenesis
Congenital Tumors
Spinal Cysts
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Congenital Spinal Stenosis
Degenerative Disorders of the Spine / D. Uhlenbrock
The Ageing Process of the Intervertebral Disk
Classification of Intervertebral Disk Degeneration
Types of Annular Tears
Contrast Enhancement Patterns of the Unoperated Intervertebral Disk, the Intraspinal Structures and the Vertebral Joints
Degenerative Changes of the Vertebral Body End Plates
Classification of Intervertebral Disk Herniation
Examination Technique
Lumbar Region
Thoracic Region
Cervical Region
Clinical Symptoms
Degenerative Changes of the Lumbar Spine
Protrusion and Prolapse
Lateral Disk Herniation
Intradural Disk Herniation
Limbus-Like Herniation
Anterior Disk Herniation
Degenerative Changes of the Thoracic Spine
Degenerative Changes of the Cervical Spine
Acquired Spinal Canal Stenosis
MRI Findings after Lumbar Disk Surgery
Postoperative Course
MRI Findings
Spinal Fusion
MRI Findings after Cervical Disk Surgery
Tumors of the Spine and Spinal Canal / D. Uhlenbrock, V. Kunze
Tumors of the Spine
Bone Tumors
Metastases to the Vertebrae and the Epidural Space
Tumors of the Spinal Canal
Epidural, Non-metastatic Space-Occupying Lesions
Intradural Tumors
Extradural, Intradural, Extramedullary, and Intramedullary Tumor manifestations
Inflammatory Disorders of the Spine and Spinal Canal / D. Uhlenbrock, H. Henkes, W. Weber, S. Felber, D. Kuhne
Inflammatory Disorders of the Spine
Infectious Spondylodiskitis and Spondylitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory Disorders of the Spinal Canal
Spinal Leptomeningitis
Spinal Epidural Abscess
Spinal Cord Abscess
Acute Transverse Myelitis
Radiation Myelopathy and Myelitis
Multiple Sclerosis
Myelopathy Associated with HIV Infection and AIDS
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Myelitis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Intraspinal and Intramedullary Sarcoidosis
Post-meningitis Syringomyelia
Spinal Arachnoiditis and Arachnopathy
Parasitic Cystic Disorders
Use of MRI in Acute Spinal Trauma / S. E. Mirvis
MRI and Soft-Tissue Injuries
MRI and Ligament Injuries
MRI and Acute Traumatic Epidural Lesions
Intervertebral Disk Herniation
Epidural Hematoma
Degenerative Spondylosis
MR Angiography and Injuries to the Cervical Arteries
MRI and Osseous Injuries
MRI and Radicular Symptoms
Vascular Disorders of the Spinal Canal / A.J. Felber, S. Felber, H. Henkes, D. Kuhne
Vascular Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
Arterial Blood Supply
Spinal Cord Veins
Spinal Hemorrhage
Spinal Epidural Hematoma
Spinal Subdural Hematoma
Spinal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Spinal Vascular Malformations
Arteriovenous Malformations
Cavernous Hemangiomas (Cavernomas)
Capillary Telangiectasia and Venous Malformations
Spinal Cord Ischemia
Arterial Spinal Cord Infarction
Venous Spinal Cord Infarction
Functional Analysis and Surgery of the Spine in an Open MR System / P. Hilfiker, J.F. Debatin
Open Configured MR Systems
Functional Analysis of the Spine
Examination of the Spine in the Seated Position
Intervertebral Disk Height in Relation to the Time of Day and Examination Position
Functional MR Myelography of the Lumbar Spine
MR-Guided Spinal Surgery
MR-Guided Bone Biopsy
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery
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