Today's Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm

Literature Search Request Form

Questions to Consider Before Submitting


If your project is a systematic/scoping review, consider the following questions before meeting with a librarian:

  • Have you searched the literature for previous systematic reviews on the topic?
  • What is your PICO question?
  • Why is this topic important and why is this systematic review needed?
  • Do you have a protocol? Have you registered it with PROSPERO?
  • Do you have at least 2 team members who can dedicate the time needed to complete the search and extraction process?

Consider Librarian Roles

Please check the Literature Review Service page to learn about service tiers and the different levels of librarian roles in this collaboration.

Consider Reporting Guidelines

What reporting guideline or methodological framework are you using for your review? If you aren't sure of the guidelines, check out these two most frequently used ones:

  • PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses)
  • PRISMA ScR (PRISMA extension for scoping reviews)